ІМ за ПС (продавці, 1 курс, 1 семестр)

 Тема уроку (1): Основні поняття та терміни форм звертання.

Опрацюйте презентацію за посиланням


Домашнє завдання: скласти речення, використовуючи форми привітання та прощання.

Тема уроку (2-3): Поняття про бакалійні товари. Види бакалійних товарів.



wheat - пшениця

millet - просо

buckwheat - гречка

barley - ячмінь

oat - овес

rice - рис

corn - кукурудза

legumes - бобові

pea - горох

bean - квасоля

lentil - сочевиця

 soy - соя

макаронні вироби: трубчасті, стрічкоподібні, фігурні, ниткоподібні -
pasta: tubular, ribbon-shaped, figured, thread-like.


Translate into English.

Я люблю пасту.

Мені треба купити стрічкоподібні макарони.

Де бакалійні товари?

Скільки коштує гречка? 33 грн.

Моя мама любить кукурудзу і рис.

Мій тато ненавидить бобові. Йому подобається пшениця і ячмінь.

Як тобі макарони? Дуже смачні.


-         Hello. Can I help you?

-         Yes, please. I would like to buy some wheat and buckwheat.

-         Sure. How much cereal do you need?

-         I need two kilos.

-         Ok, anything else?

-         Yes, I need legumes: peas and beans.

-         Sure. What about pasta?

-         Oh, I need figured, thread-like pasta.

-         Here you are. Will that be all?

-         Yes, that’s all. How much is it?

-         100 hrn.

-         Here you are. Could you, please, give me a bag?

-         Yes, of course. Here it is. Have a nice day.

-         Thank you. Good- bye.



Types of groceries

Крупи - cereals

Борошно - flour

Цукор - sugar

Мед - honey

Крохмаль - starch

Чай - tea

кава - coffee

прянощі - spices

приправа - seasoning


Tick yes or no
1. Bread comes from wheat.
2. Milk comes from trees.
3. Cheese comes from cows.
4. Fish come from oceans and rivers.
5. Pine nuts come from chickens.
6. Lemons come from trees.
7. Pasta comes from cows.
8. Eggs come from chickens.


Make up a shopping list, using new words.

Translate the dialogue

-          Excuse me!

-          Is there anything I can help you with?

-          Yes, I am looking for spices.

-          What spices do you need?

-          I need clove, bay leaves, cinnamon, ginger, parsley and dill.

-          You can find all spices near the bakery section, in aisle 3.

-          Thank you, I will check there.

-          YOE’RE WELCOME.

-          Let’s go to the checkout now. We have finished shopping.

-          Let’s put everything on the counter.

-          Hello. How would you like to pay? Cash or with credit card?

-          I will pay with a credit card.

-          It’s 50 $.

-          Here you are.

-          Thank you. Have a wonderful day!


Write down seller's phrases.

Home task: learn new words, make up dialogues, using new vocabulary. 

Тема уроку (4-5)Види хліба. Різновиди булочних та плетених виробів.

Read the sentence pairs. Choose which word best fits each blank.
1. pepper / salt A _________is a crystalline substance that is popularly used to season food. B Too much________ can make a dish very spicy.
2. dried / ground A All moisture (вологість) is removed from ______ herbs. B Many herbs are available in a ______ powder form.
3. spices / leaves A The_________of a basil plant have a strong aroma and flavor. B Thyme (чебрець) and tarragon (естрагон) are both examples of _____ .

Write a word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part.
1. One seasoning that can be used in almost any dish is a bulb plant with a strong taste and smell.
_ __ r _ _ c.
2. The curry had a delicious strong smell, _ _o _ _. 3. Timothy doesn't like Indian food; he thinks it's too spicy. _ _ _.
4. Now it’s time to add flavor from spices and herbs to the food . _ _ a _ o _. 5. Parsley is one type of plant with flowers, stem or leaves that can be used as seasoning. _ _ r_.


Read the sentence pairs. Choose which word or phrase best fits each blank.
1 white rice / brown rice
A _____________ still has the bran layer intact. (необроблений вигляд)
B The bran layer is removed to make_________ . 
2 legume / bran
A Many types of_____________ can be eaten raw off the vine.
B Some people add______to their meals to improve nutritional value.
3 wheat / corn
A Most breads are made from _________ .
B _____ rows on very tall stalks.

New vocabulary

Flour products

Pastry – випічка

Bread - хліб

Ryebread - житній хліб 

Wholemeal bread - хліб з цільного борошна

Bun/roll  - булочка

Loaf – батон

Cake  - калач

Crackers - сухарі

Biscuit - печиво

Spice-cake - коржик

Cake - торт

Bagel – бублик

donut – пончик


Translate the sentences

Ти любиш випічку? Обожнюю (worship).

Де я можу знайти хліб з цільного борошна? У 5 ряду.

Що тобі більше подобається – булочка чи батон? Я люблю булочки.

Треба купити бублики й сухарі.

 Чим можу допомогти? Мені потрібне печиво й пончики.

Який хліб ви хотіли б купити? Житній.

На Різдво багато людей купують калачі.

Як коржик? Мені він не сподобався.





Read the phrases and use them in your dialogues


Work in pairs.

  • Would you taste…?
  • I suggest … instead …
  • Where can I find…?
  • In the …
  • Do you have…?
  • Yes, of course | Sorry, it’s out of stock (на жаль, його немає в наявності)
  • Here is your change. The change is 30 $.

-          Home task: translate the dialogue

доброго дня. (покупець)
-доброго дня. (продавець)
чи є у вас хліб? (покупець.)
-звичайно. (продавець.)
-а скількі він коштує (покупець)
гривень (продавець)
-дайте мені будь
ласка білого 1-ну буханку. (покупець)
ласка (продавець)
-дякую. (покупець.)
-гарного дня (продавець)
побачення (покупець)

Тема уроку (6-7): Поняття про фруктово-ягідні вироби. Види солодощів.



Jam - варення, джем

Marmalade - мармелад

Sweets - цукерки

Caramel - карамель

Drop - драже

Chocolate - шоколад

Cocoa - какао

Halva - халва

Cookies - печиво


Translate into English

Де я можу знайти варення? У 5 ряду.

Ти любиш карамель? Ні, я люблю драже.

Який шоколад подобається твоїй мамі? Білий.

Що їдять британці на сніданок? Тости з мармеладом або джемом.

Хто любить какао у твоїй родині? Моя сестра.

Яку каву ти будеш? З карамельним сиропом.


Answer my questions.

Do you like sweets? What sweets do you like?

Do you like chocolate? What chocolate do you like?

What’s the price of candies?



Read and translate the dialogue.

At the candy store

  • -          Good day, madam. How can I help you?
  • -          Good day to you too, sir. What cake would you recommend for the birthday party?
  • -          Let me tell you, for this kind of event we have smth special. Chocolate cake with pineapple and coffee.
  • -          I’m sorry, but I don’t like pineapple.
  • -          Ok, we have also a fruit cake.
  • -          Oh, I’d like the coconut cake.
  • -          We  have the coconut cake with different nuts.
  • -          Sound delicious. How much?
  • -          70 hrn for kilo.
  • -          I need 2 kilos.
  • -          Maybe, you need some drops?
  • -          Yes, of course. I would like to buy drops in yogurt.
  • -          Ok, here you are. Your order coasts 200 hrn.
  • -           Thanks. I’d like to pay with a credit card.  
  • -          Sure. Have a nice party.
  • -          Have a nice day.

Read and translate the text.

How To Tell The Difference Between Cookies And Biscuits

In the United Kingdom, the biscuit is definitely sweet and topped with sweet things, like chocolate or forest fruit. It can be dipped in a cup of tea and can be had as a snack during the day. In the United States, the biscuit is basically bread: it can be eaten with bacon and eggs on top, as a breakfast, or it can be served as dinner with some chicken on top. The word biscuit comes from the Latin “biscotum panem”, which means bread twice baked.

A British biscuit is crunchy and hard on the tooth. An American biscuit is way closer to what Brits call a scone, but not an American scone because that is something different. In the UK, a cookie is a soft. But in America, a cookie covers both what Brits call a biscuit and what they call a cookie.

Home task: learn new words, find some interesting facts about meat.

Тема уроку (8-9): Різновиди м’яса,  м’ясні субпродукти, м’ясо домашньої птиці. М’ясні гастрономічні товари, копченості, консерви.




beef — яловичина

pork — свинина

mutton [mʌtn] – баранина

lamb — м’ясо молодого ягняти

mince - фарш

ground beef — фарш з яловичини

beef ribs —  ребра з яловичини

liver — печінка, Kidneys – нирки, Tongue - язик

ham — шинка, копчена шинка

bacon |ˈbeɪkən| - бекон

sausage ['sɔsɪdʒ] – ковбаски

poultry |ˈpəʊltri| - птиця/дичина

chicken — курятина

spring chicken - курча

turkey — індичка

duck — качка, Goose гуска

semiproduct [semɪprəˈdjuːst] — напівфабрикати

sirloin - філе

pork belly - свинячий шлунок


Translate the sentences

Яке м'ясо тобі подобається? Я люблю свинину.

Яке м'ясо любить твоя родина? Яловичину.

Де я можу знайти телятину? У м’ясному відділі.

Де можна купити субпродукти? У супермаркеті або на ринку.

Що у нас на вечерю? Ребра з яловичини.

Що треба купити? Шинку, фарш з індички або курятини.

У Великобританії на Різдво їдять запечене курча.


Read and translate the text. Write down dishes which are made from semiproducts.

                Semiproducts are used in the manufacture of various meat and cooking products. From the liver, prepare the second dishes, fillings for pies, it serves as a raw material for the production of sausages and pastes (паштет).

                Kidneys are used for the first and second dishes, delicious canned food; tongues - for other, flooded dishes (заливні страви), for the production of smoked (копчений) meat, canned goods and sausage products. The heart is suitable for other dishes, pastes, liver sausages and canned food.

The lungs are added to minced meat with the production of low grades of liver sausages along with other by-products.

                The legs, ears are used as additives (добавки) in the manufacture of jellies, liver sausages. From meat-bone tails prepare broths (бульйон) and canned food.

Speaking and writing

Translate and complete the dialogue with the words from the box.

Help, buy, meat, turkey, poultry ,spring chicken, have, goose, duck, pay, chicken, cash


-          Hello, madam. How can I … you?

-          Hello, sir. I want to buy some …

-          Oh, we have different meat.  What meat would you like to …?

-          I’d prefer white meat.

-          Maybe you want…?

-          Mmm, no, it’s so expensive.

-          What about …?

-          How much is it?

-          120 hrn for kilo.

-          Give me, please, 0,5 kilo.

-          Ok, maybe , smth else?

-          What do you have?

-          We have…

-          Give me, please, 1 …

-          Here you are.  How would you like to …?


-          Your order coasts 200 hrn.

-          Take it. Thanks.

-          Have a nice day.


Listen to Track 34 and complete the dialogue.



How much or how many?

…cheese is there in the fridge?

… money have you got?

…bottles of water do you need?

…slices of cheese do you need?

…sweets would you like? - many

…fruit did you eat yesterday?

…milk is there in the fridge?

…eggs are there in the fridge?

…chocolate cake would you like?

… butter do you need?

…oranges are there in the basket?

…does it cost?

… is?

…honey do we have?

Complete the sentences with much or many.

She has so  friends!
Too  cooks spoil the broth.
Hurry up. I don't have so …. time.
We went to a dairy yesterday. I had never seen so  cows before.
It's also quite amazing how  milk these cows produce every day.
You have too …. money. Won't you share it with me?
There are so  poor people in the world.
There are too  children in the house.
My father doesn't drink 
of you have ever been to London?

Home task: prepare some interesting facts about milk.

Тема уроку (10-11): Поняття про молочні консерви, кисломолочні продукти. Сири, види сирів. Харчові жири.


харчові жири: масло, топлене масло, маргарин - edible fats: butter, ghee, margarine

Write down new words.



Де я можу знайти сир? У молочному відділі.

Допоможіть мені вибрати молоко. Яке молоко вам треба?  Мені треба цільне молоко.

Який сир ти любиш? Я люблю м’які сири.

Що у нас на сніданок? Хліб,  сир і шинка.

Де я можу купити сметану? У магазині молочних товарів.

Ти любиш ряжанку? Ні. Я люблю кефір.


You are going to the grocery. Make a shopping list using all new words.

 Listening and reading

Home task: learn new words, make  the poster "Dairy products".

Тема уроку (12): Поняття про яєчні продукти


яєчні продукти: яєчний меланж, яєчний порошок, яєчний омлет; egg products: egg melange, egg powder, egg omelette

дієтичні та столові: свіжі столові, вапновані столові, відбірні яйця- dietary and table: fresh table, limed table, selected eggs.


Make up 5-7sentences using new vocabulary.


  • Eggs are good for your eyes. 
  • They contain lutein which prevents cataracts and muscle degeneration. 
  • Egg yolks are one of the few foods that naturally contain Vitamin D. 
  • Brown eggs are more expensive because the hens that lay them are larger and require more feed. 
  • Duck eggs are higher in fat and better for baking.It takes a chicken 24 to 26 hours to produce an egg.
  • There are several reasons why commonly we eat chicken eggs instead of duck or turkey eggs. Chickens lay more eggs, they need less nesting space, and they don’t have the strong mothering instincts of turkeys and ducks, which makes egg collection easier.

Listening and speaking

Home task: learn new words by heart, make up a dialogue using phrases from the video above.

Тема уроку (13-14): Поняття про живу, охолоджену, морожену рибу. Родини риб.


Reading and speaking



Home task:
prepare a poster about your favourite fish.

Тема уроку (15-16):
Поняття про овочі. Види овочів.


Listen and translate the dialogue.

Reading and writing


Home task: prepare the poster "Vegetables in our life".

Тема уроку (17): Поняття про безалкогольні, слабоалкогольні та алкогольні напої





Home task: prepare for the test.

Тема уроку (18): Підсумкова контрольна робота


Task 1. Translate into English.

Бакалія, крупа, гречка, м'ясо, хлібобулочні вироби, молочні продукти, риба, сир і масло, сік, овочі.

Task 2. Match the types of products.

1.      Grocery

2.      Vegetables

3.      Meat

4.      Dairy

5.      Pastry

6.      Fish

7.      Confectionary

8.      Spice

A dill

B eggplant

C pork

D Cookies

E millet

F sour cream

G carp

H loaf






Cheese, pork, oat, rice, milk, salmon, hard and soft cheeses, beef, mince, legumes, pea, bean, lentil.

Task 4. Circle the odd word out:

- tea, milk, carrot, juice, coffee,
- potatoes, meat, cabbage, beans, carrots,
- cream, butter, cheese, chicken, milk,
- marmalade, jam, biscuits, coffee, chocolate.

Task 5. Divide these products into 2 categories: useful – unuseful:
chocolate, eggs, carrot, sweets, honey, bread, meat, cake, milk, hot dog, butter,
fish, candy, apple, chips, cheese, hamburger, orange, tomato, pizza .

Task 6. Put the sentences in a right order.

-      Thank you, I will check there.

-         What spices do you need?

-         You can find all spices near the bakery section, in aisle 3.

-         Is there anything I can help you with?

-         I need clove, bay leaves, cinnamon, ginger, parsley and dill.

-         Yes, I am looking for spices.

Task 7. Choose the right variant – how much or how many?

…wine should I buy?

… butter do I need for this recipe?  

… people work in your company?

… chairs are there in this room?

… bananas do you need?

… cheese did you buy?

… sugar would you like in your coffee?

… does it cost ?

Task 8. Make up a dialogue, using the phrases below.

Where can I find…?

In the aisle …

Do you have…?

Yes, of course | Sorry, it’s out of stock (на жаль, його немає в наявності)

How much is this…?

I would like to buy…

What can I get for you instead?


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