ІМ за ПС (продавці непродтоварів)

Тема уроку (14-15): Terms of storage of the goods according to seasons

(Терміни зберігання товарів відповідно до сезонів. Повторення вивченого матеріалу).

Translate into English

Товар, накладна, склад, якість, умови, текстиль, бавовна, вовна, шовк, сертифікат якості.

  • Cпособи розміщення товару;
  • різновид продукції; 
  • швидка доставка;
  • зберігання товарів.

  1. Fibres 
  2. Knitting 
  3. Tufting 
  4. Felting 
  5. Yarn  
  6. Dyeing 
a пряжа
b в'язання
c тафтинг
d фарбування
e волокна
f валяння

Continue phrases.

  1. How can …
  2. Good …
  3. How much…
  4. Does it…
  5. What colour…
  6. Here…
  7. Where is….

  • Write down new words.
cap - шапка
stetson - стетсон
beanie - шапочка
bowler - котелок
panama - панама 
flat cap - плоска шапка
trilby - чол. фетровий капелюх
face shield visor - захисний козирок
visor - козирок
straw hat - солом'яний капелюх

  • Look through different types of cap.

Home task: create an advertisment of hats you like.

Тема уроку (22): Customer service culture (Культура обслуговування покупців).

Read and translate the text.

What does a customer service culture look like?

What differentiates a typical company from one that has a strong customer service culture? The difference isn’t always obvious from the outside. A good customer service team can still skillfully help a lot of customers over long periods of time without working in a strong customer service culture.

A strong customer service culture is one where:
  • The customer service team is respected and valued.
  • Customer impact is a critical part of business decisions.
  • Everyone in the business, including those beyond the customer-facing teams, has an accurate understanding of who the customers are and what matters to them.
  • Customer service is a part of the business’s strategic vision.
The business agrees on a clear definition of “good customer service.”

Creating a customer service culture:
  • Hire for culture.
  • Treat your employees (співробітники) well.
  • Create camaraderie (товариські стосунки) on your team.
  • Build psychological safety on your team.
  • Invest in professional development.
  • Reward (винагороджуйте) and provide (забезпечуйте) feedback for employees.
  • Define (визначте) and reinforce (зміцніть) your culture.

  • What can you do to improve customer service?
Let's remember

Watch the video and translate it.

Home task: make up a dialogue using the information from the video

Тема уроку (23): Project work "How best to sell the product and satisfy the buyer?(Захист проєкту «Як найкраще продати товар і задовольнити покупця?»)

!!! Your task is to make up the advertisment of any product and write the tips "How to sell it in the best way". It can be the video or the presentation or the poster.

Pupil's projects (роботи учнів):
  • реклама непродовольчих товарів Римбалюк Л.
  • реклама парфумів Криворот С.

  • реклама косметики Усатенко М.

  • реклама Деморацької Н.

Тема уроку (24): Підсумковий урок з модуля "Організація торговельно-технологічного процесу"

Виконайте підсумкову роботу з теми за посиланням:
Тема уроку(25):  Текстильні товари

Look through the presentation and write down new words.

Speaking and writing

Do the tasks


Listening: translate the phrases that you will hear in the video.

Home task: prepare a short information about any textile good.

Тема уроку (26): Швейні вироби та головні убори.



Writing new words

!!! Hats from different cultures

  • What hats do you like?
  • What hats would you like to sale?
  • Who wears hats more often - women or men?
  • Where do you usually buy hats?
Home task: make a quiz, presentation or poster "Hats of the world" .

Тема уроку (27): Shoes. Взуття.

  • What shoes do you like?
  • Where do you like to buy shoes?
  • What types of shoes do you know?

Listening and writing

What kind of athletic shoes do you know?


Learn English conversation. At the shoe shop.

  • Hello miss, how may I help you?
  • Hi there! I'm looking for some fancy shoes.
  • Alright, do you have any colour or style in mind?
  • Well, I'm going to a dinner party, and they need to match my blue dress.
  • We have some nice blue heels over here. How about this one?
  • That shoe's heel is way too high for me.
  • Alright, how about this one? The heel is short, and it's really cute.
  • Yeah, that one is pretty cute... What size is it?
  • We have multiple sizes for each shoe. What size do you wear?
  • I wear a size 7.
  • Oh, that's too bad. We don't have this shoe in size 7.
  • Do you have any cute blue flats?
  • Yeah, we do. Here, how about this one? It's got nice silver buckles too.
  • Perfect, my dress is blue and silver.
  • Alright, and it looks like we have a size 7. Do you want these?
  • Yeah, those will go well with my dress.
  • Alright. Did you want anything else?
  • Actually, yes. I wanted to get some sneakers also.
  • What kind of sneakers. Will you be running in them?
  • Yes, I need new sneakers to use when I exercise.
  • Alright, we have a bunch of running shoes on this wall.
  • Alright, can I have those black ones at the top?
  • Sure. Here they are, size 7. Would you like to try them on?
  • Yes please... Wow! These are really comfortable!
  • Would you like to buy them also?
  • Yes, I would. They're a lot better than my old running sneakers.
  • Alright, your total will be $40.
  • Ok, here you go!
  • Thank you, have a nice day!
  • You too, thanks!


Home task: prepare the presentation "Shoe trends summer 2023".

Тема уроку (28): Perfumes. Cosmetics.  Парфумерно-косметичні товари.


Listening and writing



Home task: present your favourite perfumes.

Тема уроку (29): H
aberdashery. Галантерейні товари.

Write down new words. Make up 7 sentences or word combinations.








What do you know about mirror?

Have a look!!!
Just do it

Reading and speaking

Home task: find some interesting facts about  one item of the harberdashery.

Тема уроку (30): Electrical and household goods. Електропобутові та посудо-господарчі товари. 
Vocabulary list
Household appliance: writing  


Just guess what is it?

Dinner table
Table manners in different countries

Home task: write down about your favourite household appliance: its positives and negatives.

Тема уроку (31): Cultural and household goods. Listening comprehension. Товари культурно-побутового призначення. Контроль аудіювання.

Vocabulary list
What do you know about toys?

Musical instruments


Home task: write the listening test and send your results to viber.

Тема уроку (32): Household chemicals. Reading comprehension. Побутова хімія. Контроль читання.

Make up 7 sentences using new words.

Тема уроку (33): Furnitures and carpets. Speaking. Меблі та килимові вироби. Контроль говоріння.



Prepare the short texts about:
  • furniture;
  • cultural goods;
  • utencils;
  • hats;
  • cosmetics.
Home task: send your speaking test to viber.

Тема уроку (34): Goods for physical training, sports, tourism. Writing test. Товари для фізичної культури, спорту, туризму. Контроль письма.


Writing test
Home task: do the writing test.

Тема уроку (35): Building materials. Будівельні матеріали. Підсумковий урок.


Just do it

Home task: prepare the  advertisement about building materials.

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