АМ 1 курс (Unit 7-9)

Unit VІІ . "The World of Painting"

Тема уроку (48) : Живопис 
Reading:  ex. 4 p. 166-168. After reading the text fill in the table .
The painter's name ...
Painting style ...
Dates (years / century) 
Speaking : ex. 1,2,3 p .166
Writing: ex. 5 p. 169 
Write down the new words "Words for you" p. 169 into your vocabularies. 
Home task : ex. 6 p.169-170 

Тема уроку (49) : Живопис в Англії.

Speaking: ex. 1 p.171 orally
Writing:  ex. 2 p. 171, ex. 3 p. 172.

Write down  new words "Words for you" p. 171 into your vocabularies.

Grammar practice: p. 173 ex. 1, 2 orally, 3, 4 p. 174  in writing.

Home task : ex. 6 p.175

Тема уроку (50) :  Колекція національної галереї Лондона
Grammar practice:  p. 174 ex. 4 orally, 5 p. 175  in writing. 
Listening: ex. 3. p. 176,  прослухайте Unit 7 track №28

Ex.4  p. 176 orally.
Reading: e x.5  p. 176-177.

Home task : find the information about virtual museums in Great Britain . As example you may use this link about British Museum  London 

Тема уроку (51) Відвідування виставок та музеїв

   Grammar practice: p. 175 ex. in writing.
Speaking : ex.1 p. 178
Listening: What is a museum? Why do we need the museums? 
Reading :  ex.2 p. 178, ex. 4 p. 180 (read and translate)
Writing: e x. 3 p. 179
Write down  new words "Words for you" p. 179 into your vocabularies.
Home task : write a short report about any museum you like using ex . 4 p. 180 as an example. Use this link to know about famous museums:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0wRme2HT9I

Тема уроку (52) : Написання  розробки
Reading:  ex.1 p. 182, answer the questions.
                 ex.2a p. 183
                 ex.3a, 4 p. 184
                 ex.6a, 4 p. 185-186

Use these rules to write your own essay.
Essay Tips: 7 Tips on Writing an Effective Essay
  1. Pick a topic. You may have your topic assigned, or you may be given free reign to write on the subject of your choice. 
  2. Prepare an outline or diagram of your ideas.
  3. Write your thesis statement.
  4. Write the body.
  5. Write the introduction.
  6. Write the conclusion.
  7. Add the finishing touches.
Listening:  watch the video about how to write an introduction :
Home task : ex. 7 p. 187. 

Тема уроку (53) : Famous English Painters ( Відомі англійські художники)
At this lesson we'll learn more about famous painters in England. Besides you will remember and practise the Past Perfect and the Past Perfect Continuous Tenses. 

  • Do you have a favourite painter?
  • What paintings do you like?
  • Do you have paintings at home?
Grammar Practising
Ex. 1, 2 p. 188 in writing.

Reading: ex. 3 p. 188-189.
Writing: fill in the table after reading the text.
Painter’s name
Painting style
Interesting facts

Listening: watch the video about modern British Artist. Who is she? You will find out from this video.

  • Watch the presentation about one of the biggest pop art painters David Hockney.
Writing: fill in the table about your favourite painter.

Reading: ex. 8 p. 191-192. 
Home task: compare old and modern art and write down several ideas about differences between them. Use the ideas below.

Тема уроку (54) : Museum of art after Bohdan and Varvara Khanenko (Музей мистецтва імені Богдана і Варвари Ханенків.  Повторення вивченого матеріалу)
Grammar Practising
Ex. 1 p. 194

Do the task on the card. 

Ex. 2 p. 194 in writing. Do the task on the card. 

Listening: прослухайте текст за ПОСИЛАННЯМ і виконанайте письмово ex. 3 p. 195.

Reading:  ex. 4 p. 195-196 in writing.

Home ask: do the task on the card.

Unit VIII. "Do You Like Sports?"
Тема уроку (55): Sports and leasure ( Спорт і дозвілля )
  1. Do you like sports?
  2. What kind of sport do you like?
  3. What is your favourite sport
  • Speaking "Let's talk about sport"
Ex. 1, 2 p. 198, 6 p. 201

Write down  the new words "Words for you" p. 198 into your vocabularies.

Listening and writing 
Ex. 3 p. 198-200
Прослухайте track 29 Unit 8 

Answer the questions. Give short answers.
  1. What sportsman is Bill?
  2. What does he like?
  3. What sports can Bill watch?
Прослухайте track 30 Unit 8 

Answer the questions. Give short answers.
  1. Is Mark very active in sports?
  2. What is his  favourite sport?
  3. What does sport give Mark?
Прослухайте track 31 Unit 8

Answer the questions. Give short answers.
  1. Can Liz imagine her life without sport?
  2. What does she love?
  3. What is Liz interested in?
Прослухайте track 32 Unit 8
Answer the questions. Give short answers.
  1. Does Suzie like sport?
  2. Is sport danger to her mind?
Ex. 4 p. 200
Ex. 5 p. 200
Home task: write a short information about any famous sportsman.

Тема уроку (56): Sportsmen. Kinds of sport (Спортсмени. Види спорту.)
  1. What famous sportsmen do you know?
  2. What is your favourite sportsmen?
Wach the video and write down all kinds of sport from it.

Do the next task on the card.
Write down the new words "Words for you" p. 202 into your vocabularies.
Do ex. 4 p. 202  in writing.

Grammar Practising

Home task: EX. 5 P. 203
Do the task on the card.

Тема уроку (57): Build your grammar (Розвиток граматичних навичок)
Reading : ex. 1, p. 203.
Writing : ex. 2, 3, 4, 5 p. 204-205.
Home task:  EX. 6 P. 206.

Тема уроку (58): Cricket is a favourite British sport ( Крикет - улюблений вид спорту англійців).

  • What sports are popular in our country (the USA, England)
  • What do you know about major professional sports in  Great Britain and the  USA?
Give short answers

  • What is the difference between American and European football?
  • What ball is used in  American football?
  • What is the special name of American football?
Writing:  Ex. 5, p. 207.
Speaking:  Ex. 6, p. 208.
Reading:  Ex. 7, p. 208-209. 

Do the task on the card.
Ex. 1, p. 216 orally.
Grammar Practising
Ex. 3, p. 216.
Home task: prepare the presentation "Sports in Great Britain".

Тема уроку (59): Attitude of British learners to sport ( Ставлення британських учнів до спорту)

Speaking:  Ex. 1, p. 209.
Write down  the new words "Words for you" p. 210 into your vocabularies.
Reading:  Ex. 2, p. 210-211.
Writing:  Ex. 4a, p. 211
Answer these questions in writing.

Home task: Ex. 5, p. 212 

Тема уроку (60): Writing thesis statements ( Написання тез)
Reading:Ex. 1, p. 212; ex.6, 7, p.214-215
Writing:Ex. 3, p. 213

Read and translate the text about cricket.
One of the most British games is cricket. It is often played in schools, colleges, universities and by club teams all over the country. Summer isn't summer without cricket. To many Englishmen cricket is both a game and a standard of behavior. When they consider anything unfair, they sometimes say: "That isn't cricket."
      But as almost everywhere else in the world, the game which attracts the greatest attention is Association football, or soccer. Every Saturday from late August till the beginning of May, large crowds of people support their favorite sides in football grounds. True fans will travel from one end of the country to the other to see their team play. There are plenty of professional and amateur soccer clubs all over Britain. International football matches and the Cup Finals take place at Wembley.
      Rugby football is also very popular, but it is played mainly by amateurs.
Next to football, the chief spectator sport in British life is horse-racing. A lot of people are interested in the races and risk money on the horse which they think will win. The Derby is perhaps the most famous single sporting event in the whole world.

1.Continue the sentences
1 One of the most British games is ….
2 It is often played in …, …, ….and by club teams all over the country.
3 Summer isn't …without cricket.
4 But as almost everywhere else in the world, the game which attracts the greatest attention is Association football, or …
5 Every … from late … till the beginning of … , large crowds of people support their favorite sides in football ….
6 True … will travel from one end of the country to the other to see their team …
7 International football matches and the Cup Finals take place at ....
8 Rugby football is also very popular, but it is played mainly by ...
9. Next to football, the chief spectator sport in British life is ...

Speaking: Ex. 4, p. 216-217.
Home task: prepare some information about your favourite sport game or  a sport you like.

Тема уроку (61): Kinds of sport. Sport games. Check your English ( Види спорту. Спортивні ігри повторення вивченого матеріалу).
Warm up https://wordwall.net/ru/resource/663506/sport
Ex. 2, p. 216 
Ex. 1, p. 220 
Ex. 2, p. 220
Прослухайте трек 34 Unit 8 і виконай Ex. 3, p. 221
Ex. 4, p. 221-222
Home task: виконайте письмову роботу за ПОСИЛАННЯМ  https://app.wizer.me/learn/AVH6Q1

Unit IX "Across State Systems"
Тема уроку (62): Ukraine. The Ukrainian Government (Україна. Уряд України).
Reading and listening:  Прослухайте трек 35 Unit 9
Ex. 2, p. 224

Ex. 1, p. 224, ex. 3-4, p. 227
Write down new words "Words for you" on page 226
  • What do you know about British system of government? Watch this video.

  • What do you know about the American system? Watch this video.
Ex. 5, 6, 7, p. 228-229.
Home task: на основі впр. 2, с. 224 складіть схему "Government structure in Ukraine".

Тема уроку (63): The political system of Ukraine and Great Britain ( Політичний устрій України та Великої Британії)
Develop your vocabulary, p. 231
Ex. 1, 2, p. 232
Ex. 3, p. 233-234
Home task:  Ex. 4, p. 234 

Тема уроку (64): Build your grammar ( Розвиток граматичних навичок) Past Tenses.

Ex. 2, 3, 5, p. 235-236
Write down new words "Words for you" on p. 242.
Ex. 1, 2, p. 247
Home task:  Ex. 4, p. 236 

Тема уроку (65): Canada.  Governing Canada ( Канада. Уряд Канади)  
 Ex. 1, p. 237 orally.

What do you know about Canada? Watch this video.
Прослухайте трек 36 Unit 9  і доповніть речення  Ex. 2, p. 238.
Ex. 3, p. 239.  Прослухайте трек 37 Unit 9 і напишіть про речення "так" чи "ні" (true or false)
Ex. 4, p. 240.
Ex. 5, p. 241. Read and translate the fact file of Canada.

Watch a quiz about Canada.

Home task: write down 5 interesting facts about Canada (not from your book).

Тема уроку (66):  Independence of Ukraine ( Незалежність.  День Незалежності України )
Ex. 1, p. 242
Look at these slides. Read and translate them.

Write down new words "Words for you" on p. 242.
Make up 7 sentences, using new words.
Ex. 2, p. 242-243.
Respect and love your country. It is the only in our heart and the best in the world.
Home task: Ex. 1, p. 251.

Тема уроку (67): Listening (Контроль навичок аудіювання)

Прослухайте текст 38 Unit 9 і дайте ВІДПОВІДІ на запитання.

Task 1. Mark the statements true or false.
  1. New Zealand is a constitution monarchy.
  2. The Prime Minister is the head of the government.
  3. He is a leader of a majority party.
  4. Queen of the UK is the official head of the New Zealand.
  5. New Zealand's economy is mixed.
  6. Industry is more important in this country.
  7. New Zealand sells a lot of meat and milk.
  8. The country exports only forestry products.
  9. Coal and gold are the most important minerals.
  10. Factories are big in this country.
  11. New Zealand produces also wine.
  12. Australia is the largest tradening partner of the New Zealand.
 Task 2. Complete the sentences below.
  1. New Zealand is a democratic ...
  2. So it's an independent ...
  3. The executive head ...
  4. The Prime Minister has ...
  5. Members of the Cabinet are chosen ...
  6. Agriculture is ...
  7. There are 66 mln ..., 9 mln ..., ... goats in the country.
  8. The country exports ...
  9. Factories are ..
  10. They cover only ...
  11. Winemaking has ... into a significant industry.
  12. 40% imports and exports come from or go to ...

Тема уроку (68): Reading (контроль навичок читання) 

1 variant 
Text 1.  Read and complete the text with the words from the table .

World, sports, part, Scotland, popular, carry, darts, championships, school, regularly, spring, boat. 

Today we'll speak about sport. Sport plays an important 1) _____ in the life of the English people. All sports are very popular in Britain. The British are proud that many 2) _____originated in their country and then spread throughout the 3) ______. The national British sports are: football, cricket, table tennis, lawn tennis, racing and 4) _____.

Football is the most 5) ______ game in the world. There are two kinds of it in Britain: association football (soccer) and rugby. Soccer played almost in all countries remains one of the most popular games in Great Britain. Rugby football originated in Rugby public 6) _______. In this game players may 7) _____ the ball. Rugby is played by teams of 15 men with an oval ball.

Golf, one of the most popular sports in Britain, originated in 8) _______.

Englishmen are fond of cricket. It is played in schools, colleges, universities. Matches with other countries are held 9) ________. Cricket is a slow game.

Table tennis originated in England in 1880. But the British players are not lucky in tennis international 10) __________.

Englishmen like all kinds of racing. Horse-racing, motor-car racing, boat-racing, dog-racing, donkey-racing are very popular in England. The most famous 11) ____ race in England is between Oxford and Cambridge. It first started in 1820 and has been held almost every 12) ______since 1836. A lot of people come to watch it. 

2. Say if it is true (T) or false (F).

1) Some kinds of sport are very popular in England.

2) Lawn tennis is one of the national British sports.

3) There are not different kinds of football in Britain.

4) There are two teams of fifteen men in rugby.

5) Englishmen hate cricket.

6) People like to watch the game between Oxford and Cambridge.

3. Give the answer to the questions.

1) What are the national British sports?

2) What kinds of football are there in Britain?

3) How many players are there in a rugby team?

4) Is golf one of the most popular sports in Britain?

5) What kinds of racing do Englishmen like?

2  variant 

Text 2.  Read and complete with the words from the table .

seasonal, cities, nation, popular, game, basketball, especially, businessmen, spectator, watch, players, paper


Today we'll speak about sport in the USA. The United States is a sports-loving 1) ____. Sports in America take a variety of forms: organized competitive struggles, athletic games, hunting and fishing. Most sports are 2) ______; some sports are commercial and professional.

Baseball is the most 3) _____sport in the United States. It is played throughout the spring and summer by schools, colleges and professional teams.

Football is the most popular 4) _____ in autumn. There are professional football teams in all the main 5) ______ of the United States. In American football there are eleven 6) ______ in each team, as in original football, but the rules are different. Players are often hurt in American football. It is still played by almost every college and university in the country.

7) _______ is a very popular game in the United States too. It is 8) ______popular in high schools, both among boys and girls.

The game of golf is very popular with 9) ______and professional people. It is played by both men and women. There are now more golfers than tennis players.

Other 10) ______ sports include wrestling, boxing, and horse racing. Americans like both to engage in sports and to 11) _____ games being played. They are also fond of reading and talking about sports. Usually, several pages of the daily 12) ____ are devoted to discussing sports events, and games are carried on television and radio.

2. Say if it is true (T) or false (F).

1) There are different forms of sport in the USA.

2) There are no professional and commercial sports in the USA.

3) Baseball is played by schools, colleges and professional teams in spring and summer.

4) The rules of American football are the same with the original football.

5) Men and women play golf.

6) Americans like only to watch and to read about sports.

3. Give the answer to the questions.

1) What is the most popular sport in the USA?

2) When is baseball played?

3) How many players are there in each team in American football?

4) Is golf played by men and women?

5) What are devoted to discussing sports events?

Тема уроку (69): WRITING (Контроль навичок письма)
Тема уроку (70): Speaking (контроль говоріння)
Виберіть одну з тем і розкажіть її напам'ять.

Choose any of the following topics and speak of it.

Some people think that Ukrainians do not think much about their health . Tell your foreign friend what you do to be healthy. Give reasons and examples.

1) Do you think you have a healthy life style?

2) What is healthy food?

3) Do you pay much attention to what you eat?

4) Do you think it is more important for you to eat healthy or tasty food?

5) Do you think diets are useful or not?

6) Have you ever tried to go on a diet?

7) Is physical activity (jogging, going to a gym, swimming pool) an important part of a healthy life style?

8) How do you feel about extreme sports?

9) Would you like to try any of these?

10) Does it bother you that people gamble on sporting events?

11) Sometimes sports teams ask the city to help them build a new stadium. Do you think the city should give money for this? Why or why not?

12) When the city helps build a new sports stadium, who benefits the most - the team, the city, the nearby businesses, or the sports fans?


What is a disaster?

1) Have you ever been in a disaster?

2) What are some different kinds of disasters?

3) What kind of disasters are common in your country?

4) What is disaster insurance?

5) Do most people have it?

6) Are there ways we can prepare ourselves in advance to cope with disasters?

7) How are the problems solved after a disaster?

8) If you had the power to stop a natural disaster that has happened in the past, which would you choose? Why?

9) What is the difference between natural disasters and manmade disas­ters?

10) Can you name a few of each type?

11) Where do these usually often occur?

12) Do some natural disasters occur repeatedly in the same area?

13) Do many people live in these areas?

14) What are examples of manmade disasters?

15) What examples are there of natural disasters?

16) What kind of damage can occur in each case?


Do you or did you ever like painting?

1) Are you good at painting?

2) Do you think modern artists are good at painting?

3) What style or period of painting / art do you like?

4) What do you think of people who are very good at painting?

5) Do you think painting is an important school subject?

6) Do you prefer artists from your country or those from others?

7) Do you prefer oils, water colours, sketches or another medium?

8) What do paintings mean to you?

9) Why is painting and art so important to us?

10) Do you like watching children paint?

11) Have you ever been emotionally moved because of a painting?

12) What do you think artists from centuries ago would think of today’s artists?

13) Would you consider investing money in a painting? Do you think art is a good investment?

14) What do people think about when they look at paintings in galleries?


Is technology a good or a bad thing?

1) What new technology could you not live without?

2) Do you like using technology to learn?

3) What do you think very old people think of modern technology?

4) How have communication technologies changed society?

5) Has technology made us more impatient?


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