ІМ за ПС (42 год.)

Тема програми: Сервірування столу
Тема уроку (1): Receiving and seating guests 

Підручник "English for restaurant workers" знаходиться за посиланням 

Listening :   https://drive.google.com/file/d/1duhUs6s58RFocvP9lb0UMlyOse9iCOTx/view?usp=sharing

Reading:   після прослуховування прочитайте самостійно Unit 2, p. 20-21 (читати й перекладати).

Watching and listening: за посиланням https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndmMzZb84vQ перегляньте 8 порад для працівників ресторану. Запишіть їх у зошит.

Unknown words
Adversity - нещастя

Writing: ex. 1-5 p. 22-23. 

Home task : learn by heart (вивчити напам'ять слова) "Key Vocabulary" p. 21. 

Тема уроку (2):   Taking reservations by telephone

Listening :  прослухайте аудіозапис "Прийом замовлення" за посиланням.

Reading:   Після прослуховування прочитайте самостійно Unit 1, p. 16-17 (читати й перекладати).

Writing:  ex. 1-5 p. 18-19.

Home task :   ex. 6, 7 p. 19.

Тема уроку (3):   Setting the table. The  Cutlery. 

Listening :  прослухайте аудіозапис "Сервірування столу" за посиланням.

Reading:   Після прослуховування прочитайте самостійно Unit 15, p. 72-73 (читати й перекладати). 
Gерегляньте відео про сервірування столу (їх 2): https://padlet.com/yuliia_kryvoruchko/zrjsd90rcnxj 
Pay attention to this picture!!! Write down these tips into your copy-book ( запишіть у зошит подану схему )

  • What do you need for setting the table? Look at this picture.

Write down these words into your copy-book ( запишіть слова 
Writing:  ex. 1, 2, 4 p. 74-75. 
Home task :   ex. 5 p. 75., learn new words by heart.

Тема уроку (4): Restaurant Etiquette

Listening: https://english4real.com/practice/b2_l1-manners.html (task 2 "Mind your manners")

Reading:  Після прослуховування самостійно прочитайте Unit 5a, p. 33 (читати й перекладати).
Pay attention to "Restaurant Etiquette" p. 33. Write down it into your copy-book. (запишіть у зошит правила етикету в ресторані) .

За цим посиланням перегляньте відео "Тест про правила поведінки за столом", виконайте його в зошиті письмово:

Pay attention to this picture!!!

Writing: ex.1, 2 p. 34-35.

Home task:  ex. 3 p.35

Тема уроку (5): Kinds of dishes: porcelain and faience ware.
Look and remember

Have a look at this presentation.

Write down these words into your copy-books (запишіть слова в зошит).
Read and translate the texts.
Kinds of dishes
Porcelain dishes are the most elegant. It differs by ease, transparency and is used mainly in restaurants, bars and cafes. It has a trademark - an emblem of an enterprise or a corporate image.
Ceramic tableware - majolica and pottery; the main raw material for its manufacture is clay. The majolica products cover the outside and inside the glaze. The pottery has a natural color. Ceramic and wooden are usually used for serving national dishes and drinks in specialized restaurants.
Metal utensils are used to prepare and serve hot snacks, first and second dishes, hot sweet dishes and drinks.
Glass and crystal dishes are used for serving alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, desserts, fruits.
Plastic dishes are used for servicing passengers of sea, air and rail transport.
The tableware should be hygienic, durable, comfortable in shape, in certain sizes and in a single style. Do not use dishes with cracks and chips.
Sets are made of stainless steel and aluminum. The most common are stainless steel dining sets. Modern sets - spoons, knives, forks have a comfortable shape. When serving banquets and receptions, utensils and sets made of polished wood and crystal glassware are used.

Restaurants use different types of table linen: tablecloths, napkins, handles, towels. In many modern restaurants, when serving tables over a tablecloth, put a naperon. This is the top tableware, which not only performs a decorative function, but also facilitates the care of the main tablecloth.
Today, to cover tables in restaurants halls often use a muleton, or a protector - a special coating designed to protect the surface of the table from damage, the effects of high temperatures, which actively absorbs moisture and absorbs sounds when rearranging items on the table.
Handles are made of white linen fabric. A folded fourfold handle of 35x85 cm is used when serving dishes. Towels for polishing dishes and dining sets are made in size 100x40 cm from soft cotton fabric that easily absorbs moisture.
In this video you will see how to decorate the table using napkinshttps://pin.it/3v9GnrN

Answer the questions:
  1. What dishes are the most elegant?
  2. What is  the main raw material for ceramic tableware's manufacture?
  3.  What is the purpose of glass and crystal dishes? 
  4. What  dishes shouldn't  you use? What shape do modern sets - spoons, knives, forks have?
  5. What is a table linen?
Listening: watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NM9tF1uZCs
  • What names of the dishes you've heard? Write it down. (запишіть назви тарілок, які ви почули, переглядаючи відео).
  • What kinds of dishes do you like? 
  • Watch this video and write down the benefits of faience ware (pearl dinnerware) - випишіть з відео переваги фаянсового посуду: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCnYeiB4060
Home task: learn the new words by heart.

Тема уроку (6): Kinds of glassware.
Have a look at this presentation.
Read and translate the text.
In Western Europe, the first glassware appeared in Italy in Venice. This glass was made by special technology, from which it was called "Venetian". For many centuries, Venetian craftsmen secretly kept secret of its production.
Glassware serves different kinds of cold sweet dishes and drinks. Modern glassware is quite durable, resistant not only to high temperatures, but also to the low. The glassware has a fairly aesthetic look, so you can always use it to serve a festive or simply dining table. Glassware can replace both the baking dish in the oven and the container for storing frozen food. Glassware can not be used on cooking surfaces and open flames.
Answer the questions:
  1. Where did the glassware appear?
  2. How does the glassware serve?
  3. What look has got the glassware? 
  4. How can you use the glassware? 
  5. When  can't you use the glassware?
It's 13-17 centuries' glassware!
Listening: watch this video (відео про чарки): 

  • Write down the new words from it (випишіть нові слова з відео).
Check yourself - перевір себе!

Home task: learn the new words by heart. Перекладіть англійською наступний діалог.

Тема уроку (7): Metal utensils
Let's revise the previous topic. Look at this image. What kind of dishes you see?
  • What is the appointment of the glassware?

 Restaurant Etiquette. Look at this image. What is the difference between formal and informal place setting? 
Write down these words into your copy-books (запишіть слова в зошит).

Read and translate the text.
Metal utensils

               Metal utensils are used for cooking and serving dishes. It keeps them hot. Metal utensils are used in a wide range.

               The icicle is used to feed granular caviar, sturgeon and salmon fishes.

           The kokotnitsa is used to prepare and serve special hot snacks: mushrooms in sour cream, crabs, poultry, vegetables with sauces.

               The kidney is designed for baking and serving fish (mainly pike perch) and seafood. Pоrtion frying pan is used for cooking and serving other hot dishes.
Answer the questions:
1.                         What are used for cooking and serving dishes? 
2.                         What  is used to feed caviar?
3.                         What snacks are used for the kokotnitsa?
4.                         What is used for serving fish?
5.                         Why do we need the portion frying pan?

 Tick "Yes" or "No".
  1. Glassware is used for cooking and serving dishes. 
  2. Pоrtion frying pan is used to feed caviar.
  3. The kokotnitsa is used to prepare and serve special hot snacks.
  4. The first glassware appeared in Italy in Venice.
  5. Plastic dishes are used for servicing passengers of sea, air and rail transport.
  6. Restaurants use different types of table linen.
Writing: translate into English.
  1. На столі серветка.  
  2. У мене вдома немає десертних ложок. 
  3. Дай мені, будь ласка, лікерну чарку. 
  4. Мама подарувала подружці бокали для шампанського. 
  5. Мені подобаються хайболи.
  6. У ресторанах використовують порцеляновий посуд.
  7. На столі чашки з блюдцями, попільничка, ваза для паперових серветок.
Home tasktranslate into English, using new words.

Kind of  dishes
Capacity ml (ємність)
Appointment (призначення)

Для мінеральної води, фруктових напоїв, коктейлів
Для шампанського
Для морозива, фруктів, фруктових напоїв
Келих для вина
Для вина і алкогольних коктейлів
Для коктейлів, змішаних напоїв
Для лікерів і коньяків
Для фруктів, цукерок
Тарілка закусочна

Для холодних закусок і фруктових салатів
Тарілка пиріжкова

Для хліба, пирогів, печива
Тарілка для других страв

Для продукції гриль-бару

Тема уроку (8): Serving wine. Polishing and handling glassware, cutlery.

Підручник "English for restaurant workers" знаходиться за посиланням:

Reading: після прослуховування самостійно прочитайте Unit 6, p. 36-37 (читати й перекладати).

Write down these words into your copy-books (запишіть слова в зошит).

New words
Wipe - протирати
cut- різати
pierce - проколювати
remove - знімати, забирати
unscrew - відкрутити
press down- натискати
show - показувати
turn clockwise - повертати за часовою стрілкою
spiral screw - спіральний гвинт
label - етикетка
cork - корок
bulge -випуклість
neck - шия
foil wrapper - фольгова обгортка
base - підстава, підошва

Watching and listening: за цим посиланням перегляньте, як сервірувати червоне вино: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iv56O-NGBGg. 

Writing: Ex. 1a, 1b p. 38, ex. 3 p. 39 (підручник "English for restaurant workers" знаходиться за посиланням:)

Reading: після прослуховування самостійно прочитайте Unit 14, p. 68-69 (читати й перекладати).
New words
stained - заплямований
broken - розбитий
strong - міцний
dirty - брудний
cracked - надтріснутий
chipped - колотий, щербатий
smudged - розмазаний

Watching and listening: перегляньте відео про полірування посуду


Translate these steps.

Writing: ex. 1, 2, 3 p. 70 (підручник "English for restaurant workers" знаходиться за посиланням: 
Home task: learn the new words by heart (вивчити напам'ять слова),   ex. 4 p. 39, ex. 4 p. 70

Тема уроку (9): Types of table setting.

Revise what do you know about setting the table?
Read and translate the text. 
Types of servings 
Servicing is carried out 1-2 hours before the opening of the hall. Each serving item has its own strictly defined place on the table. The preliminary serving of the table is performed in the course of preparing the hall for service. It includes the minimum number of items. 
In canteens, cafes, snack bars, where there are tables with plastic cover, do not cover tablecloths, wooden paper towels can be used on wooden tables. In the center of the table are sets for spices. 
At the preliminary serving of the table for completed dinners on a dining table put dishes, drinks, bread, sets, spices, paper napkins. Dishes and drinks which are on the table depending on the number of seats. Bread on a pie sets to each guest on the left. Kits are placed on both sides of the dish with a snack: on the right - a spoon and a knife, to the left - a fork or in the center of the table on the stand, there are sets depending on the number of seats at the table. 
Serving tables in the buffets, snack bars, cafes, where the food is taken standing, provides only to set in the center of the table sets for spices and paper napkins in a napkin holder. 
In the restaurant for faster and more convenient work the waiter is recommended to serve the tables in the following order: to place the plates, to spread the appliances, then place the wine glasses and goblets, roll and wrap napkins, set up vases with flowers, other decorations, ashtrays, spices, put menus and wine cards . 
Depending on the type and nature of service (breakfast, lunch, daytime service, menu of ordered dishes, banquet, tea, coffee), the previous serving is of varying degrees of complexity.

Tick "Yes" or "No".
  1. Wooden paper towels can be used on wooden tables.
  2. In the center of the table are sets for spices. 
  3. Bread on a pie sets to each guest on the right. 
  4. Each serving item hasn't its own strictly defined place on the table.
  5. Dishes and drinks which are on the table depending on the number of seats.
Look at the presentation. Read and translate.
Do the task on this image.

Listening and watching: перегляньте, як сервірують стіл до сніданку.

Dinner (lunch) table setting
Do the task on this image.

Listening and watching: How to set a formal table.

Supper (dinner) table setting
Do the task on this image.

Listening and watching: How to set a dinner table.

Look and remember!!!

Home task: 
  • Write down and learn new words by heart.

Тема уроку (10): Serving the first course

Reading:  Unit 7, p. 40-41 (читати й перекладати).
PAY ATTENTION!!! (перекласти письмово в зошиті)
Writing: ex. 1, 3 p. 42, 4 p. 43.
Home task: ex. 2 p 42.

Тема уроку (11):  Serving the main course
Look and say!!!

Translate into English
  1. Я хочу замовити пляшку червоного вина.
  2. Накривати стіл - моя улюблена справа.
  3. У центральній частині столу - срібний посуд.
  4. Скільки видів сервірування ти знаєш? - 3: до сніданку, обіду й вечері.
  5. Який посуд подобається тобі найбільше? - Скляний.
Reading:  Unit 8, p. 44-45 (читати й перекладати).

Pay attention!!!
Read and translate these advices.

New words
adjust - поправляти
arrange -влаштувати
grind - терти, молоти
keep an eye on - слідкувати
scoop - черпати
transfer - переміщати
twist - крутити, зібгати
announce - оголосити
take off - знімати
pick up food - забирати їжу
handle - ручка
cover - кришка
index finger - вказівний палець
thumb - великий палець
vinegar - оцет
tray-stand - піднос-підставка

Watching and listening
: перегляньте відео "How to set a table for a five course meal". Запишіть назви ліній, які відмежовують прибори між собою.

Writing: ex. 1, 2a, 2b p. 46. 

Home task: вправа 3 с. 47. 

Тема уроку (12): Clearing the tables after courses

Translate into English
  1. Офіціант переміщує тарілку і знімає кришку з неї.
  2. Вам все подобається? - Так, дякую.
  3. Я б хотіла замовити овочевий салат.
  4. Вона зачерпнула овочі й поклала їх на тарілку.
  5. Візьми піднос-підставку і забери їжу.

Reading:  Unit 10, p. 52-53 (читати й перекладати).

Pay attention!!! Read and translate these advices.

New words
Scrape - дряпати, обскрібати
stack - купа, стелаж, стопка
bread basket - кошик для хліба
butter dish - маслянка
clearing station - брудні тарілки
steward - управляючий
firmly - твердо, міцно

Watching and listening: перегляньте відео "Clearing tables".

Pay attention!!! Read and translate these advices.

Make up 5 sentences using new words (складіть 5 речень з новими словами)
Writing: ex. 1, 2, 3 p. 54. 

Home task: вправа 4 с. 55.

Тема уроку (13): Serving dessert/Making coffee
Translate into English
  1. Офіціант обскрібає брудний посуд після обіду.
  2. Принесіть мені, будь ласка, кошик для хліба та маслянку.
  3. Заберіть брудні тарілки.
  4. Управляючий слідкує за тим столиком.
  5. Зніміть верхній одяг і проходьте в зал.
Reading:  Unit 11, p. 56-57 (читати й перекладати).

Pay attention!!! Read and translate.

New words and expressions
Are you ready to order dessert now? - Ви готові замовити десерт?
I recommend our home-made ice-creams. - Я рекомендую наше домашнє морозиво.
Would you like to try our home-made ice-creams? - Ви б хотіли спробувати наше домашнє морозиво?
pantry - комірка, буфетна
tart - домашній пиріг
trrolley - візок  на колесах
Verbs (дієслова):
прикріпляти, розподіляти, наповнювати, взятися піною, наливати, натискати, посипати. 
Nouns (іменники):
кнопка, піврозмірна чашка, обладнання, фільтр, піна, кавомолка, мелена кава, глечик, насадка, блюдце, носик, пара, чайна ложка.
Others (інше):
мелений, одинарний, міцний, під.
Make up 5 sentences using new words (складіть 5 речень з новими словами).

Writing: ex. 1, 2, 3 p. 58. 

Home task: вправа 4 с. 59.

Тема уроку (14): Making tea/ Serving beverages after meals
Translate into English
  1. Кавова машина та інше обладнання зберігаються в буфетній.
  2. Ця машина робить різні види кави.
  3. Мері спочатку наповнює фільтр меленою кавою.
  4. Вона подає десерти, використовуючи візок на колесах.
  5. Чи хотіли б ви спробувати наш домашній пиріг?
Reading:  Unit 12, p. 60-61 (читати й перекладати).
Pay attention!!! Read and translate.
Watching and listening: перегляньте відео "How to make the perfect cup of tea wih milk?"
Answer the questions.
  1. Do you like tea?
  2. What tea do you like?
  3. Do you like tea with milk?
What do you know about tea in Great Britain? Watch this video.
Give the short answers and write them down (дайте короткі відповіді і запишіть їх після перегляду відео).

  1. What does "high tea" mean? When does it serve?
  2. What does "afternoon tea" mean? What are usually served with it?
New words
Verbs (дієслова):
заварювати, приносити, нести, містити, продовжувати, проціджувати, замовляти, наливати, ставити,  помішувати, хотіти, нагрівати. 
Nouns (іменники):
бар, бармен, миска (sugar bowl - цукорниця), бренді, вершки, передпліччя, лікер, саше,  рюмка для бренді, стрижень (ніжка бокала), підсолоджувач, пакетик чаю, чайне листя, чайник.
Others (інше):
кип'ячий, заварений, пустий, трав'яний, розчинний, приготований.
Make up 5 sentences using new words (складіть 5 речень з новими словами).

Writing: ex. 1, 2, 3 p. 62. 

Home task: вправа 4 с. 63.

Тема уроку (15): Bartender's equipment (Виробничий інвентар бармена).

Translate into English
  1. Щоб зробити чай, треба нагріти чайник.
  2. Потім треба покласти чайний пакетик у теплий чайник.
  3. На підносі порожня чашка й блюдце.
  4. Мері ставить на піднос цукорницю та глечик для молока.
  5. Що ви хочете замовити? - Трав'яний чай, будь ласка.
Pay attention!!! Read and translate.
New words

Педальне відро - Pedalbucket
Рушник - towel
Соломинка - straw
Mugs of different sizes- мензурки різного об’єму 
choppingboard- дошка для розділення 
Knife-stick- ніж –пилка 
Confectionery Tongs- щипці кондитерські 
Can - відерце 

Make up 5 sentences using new words (складіть 5 речень з новими словами).
THE previous practise
Translate this dialogue.
Home task: prepare for the test.
Тема уроку (16): TEST "Serving table"
Виконайте контрольну роботу за посиланням https://app.wizer.me/learn/N1M3L6 код N1M3L6.

Тема програми: Продукти харчування
Тема уроку (17): Meats (Асортимент м'ясних продуктів)

Look at the presentation and write down new words.
Vocabulary https://www.liveworksheets.com/node/3460246
Reading and writing
Do the next task.

 Підручник поділений на 2 частини. Ви працюєте з другою частиною, починаючи з теми "Meats".

Ex. 2, 3 p. 4.
Butcher - м'ясник
sirloin - філе
Ex. 3, 4 p. 4-5 
Ex. 5, p. 5
Ex. 6-7, p. 5(заповніть пропуски в діалозі, прослухавши трек 34)
Home task: ex. 9, p. 5, learn new words.

Тема уроку (18): Seafood (Морепродукти)
Look at the presentation and write down new words.
Ex. 2, p. 6.
Ex. 3, 4 p. 6-7 
Ex. 5, p. 7
Ex. 6-7, p. 7
Do the next tasks on the images.
Home task: ex. 9, p. 7, learn new words.

Тема уроку (19): Dairy (Асортимент молочних продуктів)
Look at the presentation and write down new words.
Warm up
Ex. 2, p. 8.
How to store dairy products?
evaporated milk - згущене молоко
Ex. 3, 4 p. 8-9 
Ex. 5, p. 9
Ex. 6-7, p. 9
Home task: ex. 9, p. 9, learn new words.
Тема уроку (20): Fruits (Фрукти)
Look at the presentation and write down new words.

Ex. 2, p. 10.
fiber - клітковина
sqeeze - надавлювати
drip - капати
Ex. 3, 4 p. 10-11
https://www.liveworksheets.com/w/en/english-second-language-esl/961260 Ex. 5, p. 11 Ex. 6-7, p. 11 How to store the products?

Do the next tasks
Home task: ex. 9, p. 11, learn new words.
Тема уроку (21):Vegetables (Овочі)
Look at the presentation and write down new words.
Look and say how long vegetables can stay fresh?
Ex. 2, p. 12.
inflorescent vegetables - суцвіття овочів
bulb vegetables - цибулинні овочі
stalk vegetables - стеблові овочі
root vegetable - коренеплід
leaf vegetable - листові овочі
thaw - розморожувати
blanch - бланшувати
an edible plant - їстівна рослина
tuber vegetable - бульба овочева
canned - консервований
overcook - перегрітий, переохолоджений
tend to be tough - як правило, жорсткі
Ex. 3, 4 p. 12-13
Ex. 6-7, p. 13
Home task: ex. 9, p. 13, learn new words.

Тема уроку (22): Spices and herbs (Приправи й трави)

Ex. 2, p. 14.
spices - приправи
hot - гострий
garlic - часник
herb - трава
leaves- листя
complement - доповнювати
ground - мелений
dried - сухий
Ex. 3, 4 p. 14-15
Watch the video "Top 5 most expensive spices". Write down them into your copy-books (запишіть 
з відео 5 найдорожчих приправ з перекладом у зошит).
Answer the question
  • What spice is the most expensive in the world?
Ex. 6-7, p. 15
Home task: ex. 9, p. 15, learn new words.

Тема уроку (23): Assortment of cereals (асортимент круп)
Look at the presentation and write down new words. Read and translate the texts, do all tasks.
Ex. 3, 4, p.16.
Ex. 5, 6, p.17.
Ex. 7, p.17. 
Home task: Ex. 9, p.17
Тема уроку (24): Grains and legumes (Асортимент бобових)
Ex. 2, p. 18
legume - бобові
bran - висівки
Ex. 3, 4, p.18.
Ex. 5, 6, p.19.
Ex. 7, p.19. 
Home task:

Тема уроку (25): Pastry (Хлібобулочні вироби, випічка)
Виконайте інтерактивні вправи за посиланням: https://app.wizer.me/learn/EIFYBW
Look at the slides and write down new words.
Do the next tasks.
Ex. 2, p. 20
pastry - випічка
flaky - шаруватий
dough - тісто
shortcrust pastry - пісочне тісто
phyllo pastry - кондитерське тісто
puff pastry - листкове тісто
custard - заварний крем
choux pastry - випічка з чоу
Ex. 3, 4, p.20-21.
Ex. 5, 6, p.21. 
Ex. 7, p. 21. 
Home task: перекладіть речення письмово.
  1. Я дуже люблю випічку.
  2. Я завжди купую тісто. Найбільше мені подобається листкове тісто.
  3. Воно коштує не дуже дорого.
  4. Щоб ти обрав - кондитерське чи пісочне тісто? 
  5. Заварний крем - мій улюблений. 
Тема уроку (26): Desserts (Десерти)
Ex. 2, p. 30
cone - конусна вафельна трубочка
topping - начинка, заливка
sugar-free - без цукру
hot fudge - гаряча помадка
sprinkles - посипати
Ex. 3, 4, p.30-31.
Watch this video and write down ingredients of every dessert.
Ex. 5, 6, p.31. 
Ex. 7, p. 31. 
Home task: Ex. 9, p.31.

ТЕМА УРОКУ (27): Breakfast, lunch, dinner (Сніданок, ланч, вечеря)
Ex. 2, p. 24

scrambled - яєчня
whip up - збивати
hash browns - деруни
poached egg - яйце пашот
feast - бенкет
hearty- ситний
savory - пікантний
Ex. 3, 4 p. 24-25
Ex. 5, 6, p.25.
Ex. 7, p. 25. 
Watch the video "Continental breakfast" and write down drinks and dishes you will see.
(Запишіть з відео напої та страви)
Ex. 2, p. 26
noon - полудень
deli - гастроном, доставка
Ex. 3, 4, p. 26-27
Ex. 5, 6, p. 27
Ex. 7, p. 27
Watch the video"Lunch" and answer the question: what do you like to eat for lunch?
Ex. 2, p. 28
entree - страва
side -гарнір
appetizer -закуска
Ex. 3, 4, p. 28
  • What do you like to eat for dinner?
  • Watch the video and write down all ingredients of Semolina pasta.

Home task: Ex. 7, p. 29
ТЕМА УРОКУ (28): ТЕСТ з теми "Продукти харчування"

Test 2. Assortment of food products

ТЕМА ПРОГРАМИ: Типи приміщень

Тема уроку(29-30): Rooms for consumers: lobby group. Wardrobe. Toilet room.

(Приміщення для споживачів: вестибюльна група. Гардероб. Туалетна кімната).

What can you see on this image? What part of the restaurant is it?


Read and translate the text.

The lobby is the room from which the service begins, it is the business card of
the enterprise. There are wardrobe for outerwear, toilets and washrooms in the
lobby. The design is determined by the type of enterprise. The lobby has
interior. The entrance to the toilets is separated by decorative partitions.
armchairs, coffee tables and mirrors. Flowers and greenery are used in the

The wardrobe is located at the entrance. It is equipped with hangers.

The wardrobe rack can have cabinets

for storing shoes.

The toilets should have
electric dryers, hot and cold water, toilet soap, toilet paper, individual





Upholstered furniture – м’які меблі

Entrance – вхід


Wardrobe rackгардеробна стійка

Shoe storage cabinetшафа для зберігання взуття

Electric dryerелектросушарка



Individual handkerchiefsіндивідуальні серветки для рук

Consumer - споживач

Ex. 1.

Complete the sentences using the words from the box.

Flowers, card, furniture, lobby, restaurant

1.     I want to work in a …
2.     The … is a part of a restaurant.
3.     There are different … in the lobby.
4. You can use your … to pay for your order.
5.     There is a vase with … on this table.

Ex. 2.

Match the words with their translation.

1.     Toilet

2.     Wardrobe rack

3. Soap

4.     Consumer

5.    Lobby

6.     Mirror

7.     Electric dryer

A електросушарка

В мило

С дзеркало

D туалет

E споживач

F гардеробна стійка

G вестибюль


Write down 10 restaurants and countries where are they (запишіть назви 10 ресторанів

та країн, де вони розташовані).


Read and translate the dialogue.

Going to a restaurant

Sandra and Paul are at a steak restaurant. A waiter greets them.

"Do you know what you would like to drink?" the waiter asks. “Water and orange juice,” Sandra says. "Thank you. Here are your menus," the waiter says.

The waiter brings water for Paul and orange juice for Sandra.

"What would you like to order?" the waiter asks.

"I would like a 12-ounce steak and mashed potatoes," Paul says.
"The same thing, but with green beans," Sandra says.
"And two orders of garlic bread," Paul says.
"Great. You should have it in soon," the waiter says.

The waiter returns after an hour.

“Sorry for your wait. Here are two orders of 12-ounce steaks with mashed potatoes and garlic bread,” the waiter says. "I asked for green beans with mine," Sandra says. "I'm sorry, I’ll get those for you," the waiter says.

The waiter quickly returns with Sandra's green beans.

Tick “Yes” or “No”.

1.   1.  Sandra and Paul are at a fast food restaurant.
2.     Sandra ordered orange juice.
3.     Paul ordered  mashed potatoes.
4.  Sandra likes garlic bread.
5.     The waiter didn’t bring green beans.
6.     Sandra and Paul waited 2 hours for their ordering.

Answer the questions.

1. What kind of restaurant did Paul and Sandra go to?

2. What did Paul and Sandra order to drink?

3. What kind of steaks did Paul and Sandra order?

4.     What was wrong with Sandra's order?


Translate into English.

1. Гардероб розташовується біля входу.

2. У туалетній кімнаті повинні бути електросушарка, дзеркало, серветки, мило.

3 У вестибюлі є м’які меблі.

4.  Вішалки для одягу ставляться у залі.

5. У цій кімнаті дуже велике дзеркало.

Home task: read and translate the dialogue

Waiter: Hello, Can I help you?. Kim: Yes, I'd like to have some lunch. Waiter: Would you like a starter? Kim: Yes, I'd like a bowl of chicken soup, please. Waiter: And what would you like for your main course? Kim: I'd like a grilled cheese sandwich. Waiter: Would you like anything to drink? Kim: Yes, I'd like a glass of Coke, please. Waiter: Would Pepsi be OK? We don't have Coke. Kim: That would be fine. Waiter: (After Kim has her lunch.) Can I bring you anything else? Kim: No thank you. Just the bill. Waiter: Certainly. Kim: I don't have my glasses. How much is the lunch? Waiter: That's $6.75. Kim: Here you are. Thank you very much. Waiter: You're welcome. Have a good day. Kim: Thank you. Same to you.

Тема уроку( 31-32): The advance. The trade halls. (Аванзала. Торговельні зали)


Read and translate.

The advance is a room for consumers to rest, waiting for the service process.

It is located in front of a trade or banquet hall. Invited guests meet here during banquets,

weddings and other celebrations. Armchairs, sofas, coffee tables are placed in the

anteroom, the floor is covered with a carpet.

The trade halls of the restaurant can be divided into general and banquet halls.

General purpose halls can have different interiors, the same or different menu and

service. These are halls that are designed for different contingents of visitors.

Banquet halls are halls for a small number of guests for a specific occasion.

There can be several banquet halls, with different interiors, menus, ways of serving

food and drinks.


Advance - аванзала

trade hall – торговельний зал

banquet hall – бенкетний зал

Ex. 1. Complete the sentences using the words from the box.

The advance, banquet hall, sofa, coffee table, menu, service

… is a room for consumers to rest.

2.     It is located in front of a …

3.     … is one of the most important thing in the restaurant.

4.   In this … you can find a wonderful wine list.

5.     I want to buy a …

6.     There is only one … in this advance.

Ex. 2. Match the words with their translation.

1 Sofa

2 coffee table

3 menu

4 service

5 carpet

6 food and drinks

7  advance

8 banquet hall

A меню

B диван

C килим

D їжа та напої

E журнальний столик

F обслуговування

G аванзала

H бенкетний зал


Прослухайте розмову у відео перші 38 с за посиланням і дайте відповіді

на питання. https://cutt.ly/3yPji3y

Tick “Yes” or “No”.

1. Ralph ordered cold tea. 2.    Anna wanted to drink lemonade.

3.    Ralph ordered the onion soup to start.

4.     Roast beef with mashed potatoes and peas was for Ralph.

5.     The beef was well done.

6.     Anna ordered fish and salad.

Check yourself !

Waiter: Hello, I’ll be your waiter today. Can I start you off with something to drink?
Ralph: Yes. I’ll have iced tea, please.
Anna: And I’ll have lemonade.
Waiter: OK. Are you ready to order, or do you need a few minutes?
Ralph: I think we’re ready. I’ll have the tomato soup to start, and the roast beef
with mashed potatoes and peas.
Waiter: How do you want the beef — rare, medium or well done?
Ralph: Well done, please.
Anna: And I’ll just have the fish, with potatoes and a salad.

Watch and listen to the dialogue “At the restaurant” 3 хв.

Answer the questions.

1. What drink did mother order?

A Water B Orange juice C Lemonade D Milkshake

2 Who ordered grilled chicken and salad?

A dad B mom C Paul D Amy

What did mom order?

A grilled chicken B vegetable soup C chicken soup D grilled fish

4.    What did Paul order?

A grilled chicken and salad B vegetable soup C chicken soup D grilled fish

5.   What did Amy order?

A grilled chicken and salad B vegetable soup

C chicken soup and lasagna D grilled fish

6.   What did the family order for dessert?

A  two ice creams

B two ice creams and chocolate cake

C two ice creams and cheese cake

D two ice creams, chocolate cake and cheese cake


Translate into English.

1.    Допоможи мені скласти меню.

2.    У мене в кімнаті є диван і журнальний столик.

3.    Моя майбутня професія – майстер ресторанного обслуговування.

4.    Я замовлю бенкетний зал для весілля мого друга.

5.    Аванзала – це одна із частин торговельних приміщень.

Home task

Prepare the presentation “Top 5 Kropyvnytskyi’s restaurant” or some

information about restaurants in our town.

Тема уроку (33): Підсумковий урок з теми "Типи приміщень"

For today you should prepare the presentation “Top 5 Kropyvnytskyi’s restaurant”. Please,

send your projects to my e-mail or viber.

Тема програми: Обслуговування іноземних гостей та туристів
Тема уроку (34): Персонал ресторану
За посиланням опрацюйте підручник на с. 6 і запишіть, хто входить
до персоналу ресторану: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IyVRvTXzsqjzHxs_LELGTU5s--PlgxOU/view?usp=sharing

Watch the video and write down new words.

New words
Free range - вільний вибір
cupsicum - чашка
honey glazed ham - медова глазурована шинка
flood fish - заливна риба
hash browns - деруни, оладки
congee - пюре

Answer the questions

1. What station do you like best of all?

2. What drinks should be included in breakfast menu?

3. What can you say about first dishes?

4. What do second courses include?

5. What dishes are not recommended to serve?

Translate into English

континентальний сніданок

яйце пашот


парові страви

вільний вибір

медова глазурована шинка

Home task: do the ex. 8 on the card.

Тема уроку (35-36): Duties of restaurant staff (Обов'язки ресторанного персоналу).
Customer service. National food traditions (Обслуговування клієнтів. Національні традиції харчування).

Read and translate duties of restaurant staff - waiter/waitress on page 76 in your book.
Read and translate the text.
Traditional service features
The service of foreign guests has its own peculiarities related to taking into account the traditions of eating of different peoples.
The organization of service of foreign tourists involves the use of several types of menus, which will take into account the peculiarities of the national
cuisine of guests and of course dishes of traditional national cuisine.
For the fullest satisfaction of the needs and possible requests of foreign tourists you should always have a comprehensive menu
of European breakfasts, lunch and dinner menus for group tourists,
menu meals, diet or vegetarian, children's, etc. It should be borne in mind, for example, that Americans drink coffee before breakfast
and Koreans do not drink coffee at all. Guests from India and some other countries should be served tea.

Europeans eat breakfast, have dinner and supper with mineral or fruit water, and the people of the East - Japanese and Korean - often do not drink mineral water at all.

Danes, Norwegians, Czechs and Romanians do not like lamb. Hungarians do not have to offer fruit jelly, and the British - boiled sausages, pancakes and ravioli.
Romanians hardly consume sauces, and Koreans do not recognize broths. Scandinavians will not pay proper attention to the dishes made from cheese.

There are also nuances in the use of bread. Bulgarians, Romanians, Arabs prefer white bread, but toasts may be served instead. English, French, Americans call the second meal lunch.
There are no first courses in the lunch menu, there are snacks, second courses, sweet dishes and coffee or tea.
Lunch (in time our dinner) consists of snacks, first and second courses, dessert, tea or coffee. Lunch (in time our dinner) consists of snacks, first and second courses, dessert, tea or coffee.
Soups are served in small portions - 250-300 ml, with preference given to broths, rubbed soups or seasoning soups with finely chopped products.
You have a specific responsibility when serving individual tourists: you have an obligation to help select dishes from the menu, taking into account
the traditions of the tourist's national cuisine and to offer your country's dishes. Many foreigners are happy to order, for example, Ukrainian borscht, dumplings, pancakes with sour cream, barbecue.
Answer the questions
1 Do Europeans like to drink mineral water? What about people from East?
2 Do Hungarians offer fruit jelly?
3 What nationalities prefer white bread?
4 Who drinks coffee before breakfast?
5 Who doesn't like lamb?
Look at the presentation, read and translate.

Breakfasts in different coutries

What breakfast do you like best of all?
What do you like to eat for breakfast, lunch and supper?

What is traditional British food? (watch the video)
Write down from the video "What is traditional British food?" (випишіть з відео,
що їдять у Британії на сніданок, ланч, вечерю).

Home task: make up the menu for the British visitors (складіть меню для відвідувачів з Британії)

Тема уроку (37-38): Preferences of tourists from English-speaking countries and European countries. Menu.
(Уподобання туристів англомовних країн та країн Європи. Меню)

Today you will find out about different world cuisines. Look at these presentations, read and translate all materials.

Do you like American cuisine?
How can you characterize British and Canadian cuisine?

What do you know about German cuisine?
Write down all dishes from the video.

Do the task on the slide.

What dishes in Portuguese cuisine do you like best of all?
Would you like to try Portuguese dishes?

Watch the video about Portuguese cuisine.

Do the task on the slide.

Home task: Make up the menu for tourists from Europe.

Тема уроку (39-40): LISTENING. READING. (Контроль аудіювання. Контроль читання)

Listen to the interview. Then read the statements below and put "T" for the true statements and
"F" for the false ones.
1. George opened up a restaurant in Canada.
2. They mainly serve international dishes.
3. George thinks everybody knows the English to be exellent cooks.
4. The chef of the restaurant is Argentinian.
5. They have traditional English breakfast and typical English desserts on the menu.
6. English dishes are not much popular in Argentina.
7. George misses a wonderful French cheese-Roquefort.
8. Stilton is English blue cheese.

Read the text and agree or disagree with the statements.
Traditional American Food
Americans eat a lot. They have three meals a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Most of Americans don't eat home but prefer to go to restaurants.
They can choose from many kind of restaurants. There is a great number of ethnic
restaurants in the United States. Italian, Chinese and Mexican food is very popular.
An American institution is the fast food restaurant, which is very convenient but
not very healthy.
However there are some principles of American cuisine (if we may call it so).
Americans drink a lot of juices and soda, eat a lot of meat, fruits and vegetables,
not much bread. In the morning Americans have cereal or scrambled eggs, milk or
orange juice. Chicken or fish, fried potatoes, vegetable salads, and desert: this is the most
common menu for lunch.
Dinner is probably the most important meal of the day, some people have family dinner, when
all members of family have to be there.
For dinner Americans usually have meat, fried or baked potatoes with ketchup
or sour cream, corn, peas, sometimes macaroni and cheese or spaghetti; ice-cream,
fruit or cake may be for dessert. Turkey, ham and apple pie are traditional
for Christmas and Thanksgiving Day dinners.
True or false
1. Americans like to eat.
2. Most of Americans prefer to eat out.
3. There are a lot of religious restaurants in the United States.
4. Fast food restaurants are very popular and very healthy.
5. Americans drink a lot off ice water, eat a lot of fish, fruits and vegetables, much bread.
6. Chicken or fish, fried potatoes, vegetable salads, and desert: this is the most common menu for dinner.
7. For dinner Americans usually have meat, fried or baked potatoes.
Meals in Great Britain
The usual meals in Great Britain are breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner.
Breakfast time is between 7 and 9 a. m. Many people like to begin it with porridge.
English people eat porridge with milk or cream and sugar, but the Scots — and Scotland is
the home of porridge — never put sugar in it. Then comes bacon and eggs,
marmalade with toast and tea or coffee.
For a change you can have a boiled egg, cold ham or perhaps fish.
The two substantial meals of the day, lunch and dinner, are more or less the same.
Lunch is usually taken at one o’clock. Many people, who go out to work, find
it difficult to come home for lunch and go to a cafe or a restaurant, but they never
miss a meal. Lunch is a big meal — meat or fish, potatoes and salad, puddings or
fruit are quite usual for it. In the afternoon, about four o’clock, the English have a
cup of tea and a cake, or a slice or two of bread and butter. Tea is very popular
with the English; it may be called their national drink. The English like it strong
and fresh made.
Tea must be brewed as follows: one teaspoon for each person and one for the
pot. They drink it with or without sugar, but almost always with milk. It is
important to pour tea into milk, and not vice versa.
Their “high tea” at 5 o’clock is very famous. Tea is accompanied by ham, tomatoes and salad,
bread and butter, fruit and cakes. Dinnertime is generally about half past seven or later.
In some houses dinner is the biggest meal of the day. They begin with soup, followed by fish,
roast chicken, potatoes and vegetables, fruit and coffee. But in great many English homes the midday meal is
the chief one of the day, and in the evening they only have light meal, for example, bread and cheese and a
cup of coffee or cocoa and fruit.

Find equivalents.
1. Сніданок, ланч, чай і обід — звичайні прийоми їжі в Англії.
2. Час сніданку між 7 і 9 годинами ранку.
3. Багато хто люблять починати його з вівсяної каші.
4. Потім їдять яєчню з беконом, повидло з тостами і п’ють чай чи каву.
5. Час ланчу — перша година дня.
6. На ланч їдять багато — м’ясо чи рибу, картоплю і салат, пудинги чи фрукти.
7. Чай дуже популярний в англійців, його можна назвати їх національним напоєм.
8. Дуже відомий їх «вечірній чай» о п’ятій годині вечора.
9. У деяких будинках обід — найбільший прийом їжі за день.
10. Він починається із супу, потім іде риба, смажене курча, картопля з овочами, фрукти і кава.
Traditional Ukrainian dishes
Deruny is a traditional Ukrainian dish made of potatoes. Deruny are small
potatoe Pancakes fried in oil. We eat deruny with sour-cream.
Ukrainians prepare deruny filled with meat or cottage cheese, fried
mushrooms. They are very tasty!
You prepare deruny in this way: first you grate the potato, then you add eggs,
flour, then fry the mixture in the pan. They are very tasty with butter, sour-cream and when they are hot.
Another favourite Ukrainian dish is borsch. It is made of potatoes, beets, cabbage, meat and tomato source.
Ukrainians like varenyky very much. Varenyky can be filled with cheese, potatoes, cabbage, meat.
So, Ukrainian cuisine is rich and tasty.
Say if the sentence is true /false:
1. Deruny is a traditional English food.
2. Deruny are small fruit pancakes.
3. Deruny are very tasty with ice-cream.
4. Borsch is a favourite Ukrainian dish.
5. Ukrainians like varenyky very much.

Тема уроку (41-42): WRITING. SPEAKING (Контроль письма. Контроль говоріння)


Task 1. Translate into English.
Холодні і гарячі напої;
Медова глазурована шинка;
Континентальний сніданок;
Парові страви;
Пельмені з креветками;
Обслуговування іноземців.

Task 2. Complete the sentences.
Portuguese cuisine is…
German cuisine is famous…
I like Italian cuisine because…
I know that French cuisine is…
Polish cuisine is similar to…

Task 3. Answer the question.
1. What is a typical breakfast in Europe?
2. Describe the French breakfast.
3. What Alcoholic beverages of France do you know?

Task 4. Fill in the gabs with the correct form of the verbs
in brackets.
1.There (be) four meals in England.
2. Different people (drink) different drinks.
3. Lunch (start) at about 1p.m.
4. Pudding (be) the second traditional food in England.
5. Friends (be) usually present during a 5 o’clock tea.
6. English dinner (consist) of plenty of dishes.

Task 5. Make up fast food, cocktail or drink menu.


1. What is favourite dish of your mother? 2.What is your favourite café or restaurant in Kropyvnytskyi? 3.What are you cooking on the holidays? 4.What is healthy food? 5.What food gives us a lot of vitamins? 6.Who are vegeterians? Are the vegeterians in your group?
7.What food is fatty?
8.What types of food do you know? 9.Why must we eat meat products?
10.Why must we eat dairy products? 11.Why must we eat vegetables?

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