Тема уроку (19-20): Goods receiving. (Прийом товарів. Прийом товарів у зону приймання).
Look through the presentation
Watch the video and write down warehouse operation: best practices.
Watch the video and write down the main warehouse operation.
Watch the video, translate the conversatoins and write them down.
Тема уроку (21-22): Goods receiving. Dialogues. Placement of goods (Розміщення товарів).
Translate the dialogue 1 into English.
- Добрий день. Чим я можу вам допомогти?
- Добрий день. Допоможіть мені прийняти товар.
- Добре, без проблем.
- Що я маю зробити спочатку?
- У вас мають бути необхідні документи - сертифікат якості та накладна.
- Так, ось вони.
- Далі ви маєте перевірити товар.
- На що треба звернути увагу?
- Форму товару, дату та консистенцію.
- Дякую вам за допомогу.
- Будь ласка.
Translate the dialogue 2 into English.
- Добрий день, сер.
- Добрий день. Чим можу допомогти?
- Ми отримали пошкоджений товар.
- Справді? Я перепрошую. Який саме товар?
- Пошкоджена 1 партія соку (1 batch of juice).
- Хто був водієм?
- Том Сміт.
- Назвіть , будь ласка, день, коли ви отримали пошкоджений товар.
- 10 січня 2023 р.
- Дякую, поверніть (return) пошкоджений товар. Ми замінимо (replace) його на новий.
- Дякую.
Translate the dialogue 3 into English.
- Доброго ранку, Саро.
- Доброго ранку, Ен.
- Чим можу допомогти?
- Скажіть, будь ласка, що ми у вас замовляли?
- Подивіться у накладну.
- Я не можу її знайти, мені потрібно ця інформація терміново (urgently).
- Добре. Ви замовили 15 хлібин (loaves), 30 булочок, 10 тортів і 5 кг печива.
- Дякую за допомогу.
New words
the sequence - послідовність
location - розташування
rack stacking - стилажне укладання
price display - відображення ціни
signage - вивіска
The choice of goods by the buyer depending on the placement
Read and translate the text.
Grocery stores use many techniques to get customers to buy additional products they hadn’t planned on. For example, kids’ cereals would be placed separately from adult cereals. Deals and sales also affect what customers buy. Customers are moved by price, they are most often looking for a deal.
The important thing about product placement is letting the product sell itself. Placing products at eye level is more effective on some shoppers than others. Stores also use floor graphics, posters, small printed labels and banners.
There's also the tendency of shoppers to make impulse purchases at checkout lines as proof of product placement effectiveness. Impulse purchasing would be when a customer sees a product at the front of a checkout line and buys something that they didn’t put on their list.
Watch the video and answer the question:
- What product is advertised in the movie?
And now let's check: Pizza Hut, Doritos, Reebok, Nuprin and Pepsi.
Home task: make up the advertising of sweets or dairy products.
Тема уроку (23-24): Advertising of goods (Реклама товарів). Display and demonstration of goods (Показ і демонстрація товарів).
- How can you advertise vegetarian food?
- What information should we use to advertise the goods?
Advertisements have changed the way people shop. It has been seen that the products with better advertisements are more likely to have a higher sale. Are advertisements important? Definitely, yes. Advertisements bring out the idea of the new products and their features in a nut shell. They prove to be beneficial for both the customers and the company.
Some types of Advertising1. Display (медійна) Advertising.
They’re usually very visual with very little text, and are ideal for health and wellness products that don’t require an in-depth (детальний) disclaimer(застереження) in the ad (реклама).
2. Video Advertising.
3. Mobile Advertising.
2. Video Advertising.
3. Mobile Advertising.
12 brands of the world
- Coke
- Nike
- Always
- Colgate
- Adidas
- McDonalds
- Volkswagen
- Nivea
- Heinz Ketchup
- Apple
- Old Spice
- Make up your own advertising of sweets or dairy products etc.
- Watch the video. What drink is advertised in the film?
Translate into English.
- Добрий день. Чим я можу вам допомогти?
- Добрий день. Це онлайн-магазин?
- Так. Що ви бажаєте купити?
- Мені потрібне дуже смачне печиво для моєї донечки. Яке ви можeте порадити?
- Я раджу вам імбирне печиво. Воно солодке, має різні форми.
- Моя донька не любить імбирне печиво.
- Як щодо шоколадного?
- У вас є печиво в молочному шоколаді?
- Звісно, це печиво завжди свіже.
- Я хочу замовити 1 кг печива в молочному шоколаді.
-Я приймаю ваше замовлення. Чекайте на нього через 2 години.
- Дякую. До побачення.
- Будь ласка. Всього найкращого.
Watch the video and write down 10 shopping tricks (торгові хитрощі).
Home task: write down 10 tips "How to speak to the customers?"
Тема уроку (25-26): Individual customer service. Communicating with people in stores. (Обслуговування покупців. Спілкування з людьми в магазинах).
Read and translate the next tips.
How to Talk with Customers in English
The customer is always right.
But the idea is that it’s important to treat all customers like they’re right. Treat them with respect, try to help them feel satisfied.
- Get the right tone: Sales conversation is mostly about being polite, direct and using simple language. Make it a habit to use polite terms such as “welcome,” “thank you” and “have a nice day.” Try to use the verb “may” instead of “can” (as in, “may I help you?” or “may I offer you a sample?”) which is considered more polite.
- Research your customers and products.
- Don’t rush (поспішати) the conversation: As I said, it’s okay to be nervous but don’t try to hurry the conversation. You want your customer to feel that you’re giving him/her your full attention. And make sure you don’t do all the speaking. Listen to the customer and let them talk as well. Here’s a secret: customers love to be listened to! And while listening, don’t forget to make eye contact and appear deeply interested.
- Remember that each conversation has a purpose: You’re not just making small talk. Your goal is to satisfy your customer’s needs and, ideally, make a sale.
- The key to a successful conversation lies in clear and direct communication.
Listen to the information and answer the question "What problems can arise during communication between a customer and a cashier?"
Essential vocabulary:
Welcome to [store name].
Good morning/evening
How may I help you?
Can I help you find something? (typically used in retail shops)
may be of use
may interest you
may benefit
Would you be interested?
cheaper pricing
may interest you
may benefit
Would you be interested?
cheaper pricing
save money
Watch the video and write down the phrases you can use to speak to customer.
Speaking https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/skills/speaking/a1-speaking/shop
Work in pairs.
Would you taste…?
I suggest … instead …
Where can I find…?
In the …
Do you have…?
Yes, of course | Sorry, it’s out of stock (на жаль, його немає в наявності)
Here is your change. The change is 30 $.
Listen to the dialogue.
Translate intoEnglish.
- Добрий день. Чим я можу вам допомогти?
- Добрий день. Я хочу купити сир.
- Який сир вам потрібен?
- Я хочу голландський сир.
- На жаль, його не має (out of stock).- Який ви можете мені порекомендувати?
- Мені подобається сир Чеддер (Cheddar). Він свіжий і смачний.
- Я візьму 400 г.
- Щось іще?
- Дайте, будь ласка, кефір та йогурт.
- Ось, будь ласка.
- Скільки це коштує?
- 450 грн.
- Ось візьміть. До побачення.
- До побачення. Гарного дня.
Watch the video, translate the conversation.
Home task:
- answer the question: Where would you like to be a cashier?
- Make up 10 sentences using new words from all previous lessons.
Тема уроку (27-28): Advising buyers. Customer service culture. (Консультування покупців. Культура обслуговування покупців).
Good customer service means meeting your customers’ needs in a timely, efficient, and pleasant way. The level of service you provide is completely within your control. That’s why you should always be cooking up ways to wow your shoppers.
2. The online store that proactively addresses shipping issues (доставка).
3. The associate who comes up with the perfect greeting.
4. The employees (співробітнки) who go out of their way to cheer up (розсмішити) a shopper.
5. The retailer (роздрібний продавець) who finds a way around stockouts.
6. The cashier who forges (налагоджувати) a local connection with shoppers
7. The sales employee who takes the time to find the perfect fit.
8. The associate who puts her product knowledge to good use.
9. The retailer offering a sincere apology (щиро вибачатися).
10. The retailer who makes an effort (зусилля) to upsell (продаж) and educate customers.
- What is good customer service?
2. The online store that proactively addresses shipping issues (доставка).
3. The associate who comes up with the perfect greeting.
4. The employees (співробітнки) who go out of their way to cheer up (розсмішити) a shopper.
5. The retailer (роздрібний продавець) who finds a way around stockouts.
6. The cashier who forges (налагоджувати) a local connection with shoppers
7. The sales employee who takes the time to find the perfect fit.
8. The associate who puts her product knowledge to good use.
9. The retailer offering a sincere apology (щиро вибачатися).
10. The retailer who makes an effort (зусилля) to upsell (продаж) and educate customers.
Watch the video from the previous lessons and discuss:
- What should you do advising customers?
- How to avoid conflicts?
Translate intoEnglish.
- Ти любиш випічку? Обожнюю (worship).
- Де я можу знайти хліб з цільного борошна? У 5 ряду.
- Що тобі більше подобається – булочка чи батон? Я люблю булочки.
- Треба купити бублики й сухарі.
- Чим можу допомогти? Мені потрібне печиво й пончики.
- Який хліб ви хотіли б купити? Житній.
- На Різдво багато людей купують солодощі.
- Як коржик? Мені він не сподобався.
Home task: write 6 advices "Avoiding conflicts between sellers and customers".
Тема уроку (29-30): How to effectively serve customers? Working with dubious clients. (Як ефективно обслуговувати покупців? Робота із сумнівними клієнтами.)
What customers do you know? Are they always polite, patient and calm?
How do you deal with difficult clients?Strategies for dealing with difficult customers
- First and foremost, listen. ...
- Lower your voice. ...
- Respond as if all your customers are watching. ...
- Stay calm. ...
- Don't take it personally. ...
- Remember that you're interacting with a human.
Situation. Imagine that you have
- the impatient customer;
- the angry customer;
- the demanding customer;
- the customer who demands a refund;
- the unhappy customer.
You should allow a customer to express their anger, but try not to make any hostile remarks (ворожі зауваження) yourself. Respond directly to questions and try to understand the aggressor's mood. You should avoid swearing (лайка). Think about your non-verbal behaviour.
Customer service techniques
Good customer service helps to reduce (зменшити) the risk of violence and discourage shoplifting.
- Acknowledge the customer and regularly ask if they need help.
- Improve communication to customers.
- Staff should be friendly and respond positively to customers.
- Do not mislead with wrong information. ...
- Show respect to your clients. ...
- Return messages as soon as possible. ...
- Listen to what they have to say. ...
- Always remember that the customer is always right. ...
Make up your own dialogue using phrases from the video dialogue.
Home task: write the dialogue "Requesting a refund'.
Тема уроку (31): Контроль навичок аудіювання
Тема уроку (32): Контроль навичок читання
Text 3. https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/sites/teens/files/shopping_signs_-_exercises_5.pdf
Тема уроку (33): Контроль навичок письма
Writing test https://forms.gle/ywai8dCzCGxyXTNC8
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