АМ 2 курс (уроки 29-44)

Тема програми: In harmony with nature

Тема уроку (29): Екотуризм 

Посилання на підручник: https://shkola.in.ua/1081-anhliiska-mova-11-klas-burenko-2019.html

Vocabulary: p. 105, write down new words
Reading and writing: p. 106 ex. 3
Speaking: p. 106 ex. 4
Listening: watch and listen to the video. Write down your favourite places in Ukraine.

Look through the presentation about ecotourism: https://naurok.com.ua/ecotourism-in-ukraine-170641.html

Home task: write down 5-6 ecological problems of the whole world.

Тема уроку (30): Захист навколишнього середовища

Reading and writingp. 106 ex. 5
Writing: p. 108 ex. 6
Speaking: p. 109 ex. 7
Grammar: p. 109 ex. 8, p.110, ex. 9
Listening. Protection of the environment

After watching the video complete the mind map "How can I save the nature"

Home task: make a post "10 steps to save the environment"

Тема уроку (31-32): Вирішення екологічних проблем. Зелений туризм.
  • What do you know about ecological problems?
  • How can we stop them?
  • What ecological problems do we have in our region?


Reading: ex. 14 p. 112
Vocabulary: ex. 2 p. 113
Speaking: ex. 3 p. 114
Writing: ex. 4 p. 114
  • What do you know about ecotourism?
Reading: ex. 5 p. 115
Grammar: ex. 7 p. 117

Home task: ex. 9 p.118

Тема уроку (33-34): Екотуризм Асканія-Нова. Глобальні проблеми

 ex. 10 p. 119, ex. 8 p. 122
Speaking: ex. 11 p. 119
Writing: ex. 9 p. 124

Home task: ex. 11 p. 125

Тема уроку (35-36): В гармонії з природою. Підсумковий урок з теми.

Reading and writing: ex. 1-2 p. 120 

Speaking: ex. 3, 6 p. 121
Listening and writing: ex. 5 p. 121

Home task: do the test https://naurok.com.ua/test/join?gamecode=1184558  до 12 травня 22:00 

Тема програми: Молодіжна культура

Тема уроку (37-38): Молодіжні субкультури. Проблеми молоді.

  • Who are youth to your mind?
About youth. General terms http://surl.li/tohyr
  • What interesting facts about youth do you know?

Watch the video and write down what problems can have young people?

How can you help young people?

Read the article and answer the questions in your copy book.

Ex. 2 p.74
Ex. 4 p.75-76

Ex. 6 p. 77

Home task: make a post or presentation about youth problems.

Тема уроку (39-40): Молодь в Україні. Молодіжні організації

Vocabulary: ex. 2 p. 80
Reading and writing: ex. 3 p. 81
Speaking: ex.5 p. 82
Listening: Answer the questions you will hear in the video.

Home task: write 6-8 sentences "Is it easy to be young?"

Тема уроку (41): Міжнародні молодіжні організації. Контроль навичок аудіювання

Read and watch the information, write down the main points of the text.

Do ex.10 p. 88-89. Make a post "International youth movement"
Home task: ex. 12 p. 89

Контроль навичок аудіювання
Listen to the text and answer the questions

I. Mark if the sentences are true or false.

  1. WENDY's school is in a small town on the coast.
  2. One of the problems they’ve been having because of tourism in their town is all the litter that gets left on the beaches.
  3. All litter is left  by tourists there.
  4. Once a week during the spring they organised themselves into work parties and cleaned the beaches.
  5. TONY is a member of  citizenship classes who visit elderly people in the community, who have difficulty in doing things for themselves.
  6. They  go to the shops and help out in the house and garden.
  7. Sometimes, they just  have a chat with elderly people.
  8. Tony  thinks that  it’s important for different generations to look out for each other.
  9. ALEX is volunteer with the local mountain rescue service.
  10. Alex sure that mountains is quite a wild and safe place.
  11. Visitors  receive instructions on first aid and how to use maps and compasses.
  12. Last summer, Alex  helped to find a walker who had fallen and broken his arm. 
Тема уроку (42): Контроль навичок читання

Read the text 1.

Colchester is a small university town 80 km to the northeast of London,  approximately 45 minutes by train. It is a very beautiful town, and students are  very happy here because there are so many facilities and good entertainment. It is  very famous for being the oldest town in England.

There is the only English Language School in Colchester, and it was  founded thirty years ago by Oxford University Press. There are twenty classrooms,  a video player in every room, a video library, a multimedia Centre with free e-mail  facilities, a library and a listening Centre, the Internet access, a restaurant and a  beautiful garden here. They also arrange course for children and young people in  homestay and in residential accommodation.

Courses are organized at seven levels. The maximum group size is 13  (average is 10). Each level lasts 8 weeks, but you can stay for only two weeks if  you want.

In summer many students stay for two or three weeks. You can start on any  Monday as the course is organized in weekly units. All lessons last 50 minutes.  You can choose options in Business English or International Affairs. They also  organize examination courses and a course that is called English for Academic  Study for students who want to learn English for studies. Some students also  choose to have extra private lessons.

There is a free daily social program: clubs, tea parties, etc. Young people  can have fun at a free party every Thursday evening.


Task 1.1. Read the statements and decide if they are TRUE or FALSE according to what  the text says. 

1. Colchester English Language School was founded 30 years ago by Oxford  University Press 

2. Colchester is the oldest university town in England. 

3. Each of seven course level lasts 8 weeks. 

4. You can start on any Monday and stay at courses for two or three weeks.

 5. Children and young people can learn English in homestay and in residential  accommodation. 

6. Every Thursday evening young people enjoy a free party at English  Language School in Colchester. 

Task 1.2. For question (1 – 4) choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best  according to the text. 

1. Colchester is a small university town 80 km __________ 

A to the northwest of London                                                                                       

B to the towards to London 

C to the northeast of London 

D to the east of London 

2. Students are very happy here because______________ 

                    A there are a lot of facilities 

B there is a good atmosphere

C there are a lot of free parties 

D they can play at the band here 

3. The writer says that some students also choose to have____________                     

                    A extra single lesson 

                    B extra private lessons 

                    C just lessons                                                                                     

                    D lessons without teachers 

4. The word ―arrange” in line 7 means 

A to settle down 

B to organize 

C to put 

D some disposition 

Task 1.3. For question (1 – 4) choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best  according to the text. 

1. All lessons last________ 

A an hour                        C an hour without ten minutes 

B a half an hour              D a quarter of an hour 

2. Colchester is a small university town________ 

A less than one hundred km to the northeast of London 

B 50 km to the northeast of London 

C more than one hundred km to the northeast of London 

D 80 km to the west of London

3. The maximum group size in Colchester University is__________

              A more than twenty students          C 10 students plus three          

B less than five students                              D without restriction  

4. Each level lasts____________ 

A two weeks                   C eight days 

B two months                 D eight weeks 

Read the text 2

Hinemoa was a beautiful daughter of a native chief who lived near a great  lake in New Zealand. In the middle of the lake there was an island. Tutanekai, a  brave young warrior, lived with his tribe on the island. One day Hinemoa's father  gave a great feast where many young Maori warriors from different tribes were  present. These all young warriors danced and sang at the feast. Tutanekai was  among them. He was the most handsome and the bravest warrior. He sang and  played his flute beautifully. Hinemoa fell in love with Tutanekai and he fell in love  with her. But when Hinemoa told her father that she loved Tutanekai and wanted to  become his wife, the old chief became very angry and said 'You are the chief's  daughter and you must marry a chief. Forget that man. If you try to see him, I shall  lock you in the house. If he comes to our village, he will die'. Hinemoa was  unhappy. Tutanekai's friends told him he did not have to leave his island. Then in  the evening Hinemoa heard the sound of a flute. It came across the lake from the  island. 

Tutanekai's flute told Hinemoa about his great love. Night after night  Hinemoa went down to the shore to listen to Tutanekai's flute and dreamed of  meeting him. This made her father still angrier. He ordered his warriors to take  away all canoes from the water so that his daughter might not go to the island in  one of them. 

For a time Hinemoa spent her evenings near the lake always looking  towards the island but she never found a canoe there, which could take her across  the water. At last Hinemoa thought of a plan. She tied six empty gourds together as  floats. She hoped that they would help her to reach to the island. The island was  very far and even at the daytime it was very difficult to approach to it. She decided  to start at night when nobody could see her. She waited for the night when the moon would be behind the clouds and when it grew dark she slipped into the water  and began to swim. It was quite in the village. Nobody saw her. But how cold and  dark the water was! Something touched her leg and she got terribly frightened, but  she swam and swam, until she was so tired and weak that she could not swim any  longer. She cried out in the darkness. Then the moon came out from behind the  dark cloud and the girl saw that the island was near. A few minutes later she could  feel the grounds under her feet. She rested for a moment then she came to realize  that the water was warm: there was a hot spring nearby. She entered the warm  water and got stronger. Hinemoa found Tutanekai and became his wife. They lived  on the island happily for many years. Hinemoa's father could not be angry with his  daughter for a long time. Soon he came to the island with many beautiful gifts to  her and Tutanekai. The hot spring, which gave her life and strength back, has been  known as Hinemoa's Bath then.


Task 2.1. Read the statements and decide if they are TRUE or FALSE according to what  the text says. 

1. Tutanekai, a brave young warrior, lived with his tribe in the desert.

2. Hinemoa fell in love with Tutanekai. 

3. Hinemoa told her father that she loved Tutanekai and wanted to become his  wife. 

4. Tutanekai's friends told him he had to leave his tribe. 

5. In the evening Hinemoa heard the sound of a violin. 

Task 2.2. For question (1 – 4) choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits  best according to the text. 

1. Hinemoa’s dwelling was located_______ 

A in a big wood 

B close to a pool 

C far from a lake 

D in the capital of New Zealand 

2. Tutanekai lived__________ 

A in New Orleans 

B on the isle 

C near big river 

D in the middle of the lake 

3. Hinemoa used ________ to get to the island 

A some empty gourds 

B a lot of apples 

C a board 

D six sticks 

4. Hinemoa waited________ 

A for the morning 

B for the beginning of the day 

C for the end of the day 

D for the day

5. Hinemoa’s father swam up to the isle with______ 

A anger 

B a lot of presents 

C love 

D a single gift 

Тема уроку (43): Контроль навичок письма

Do the writing test (виконайте письмову роботу за посиланням) https://app.wizer.me/learn/U0ZUTY

Тема уроку (44): Контроль навичок говоріння

 Prepare short texts according to the proposed topics, make a video, send it to viber or telegram.

  • Youth problems in the world;
  • Modern art in the 21st century;
  • The impact of modern technologies;
  • The most dangerous ecological problem of today's life.

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